
【韓戰 中美將帥軍銜標誌 與 指揮戰爭 及其勝負】

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朝鮮戰爭打了3年,美聯軍 換了三任總司令,依次 麥克阿瑟,李奇微,克拉克。

上圖第四位 是 美第八集團軍司令 範弗利特,但他從未擔任過 美聯軍在朝司令之職。


中國誌願軍 先後有五任司令員: 彭德懷,陳賡,鄧華,楊得誌,楊勇。

誌願軍後來是 輪戰(替換,換班),如同1979-80打越南時那樣。

可以說,敵我雙方統帥都是高手。將遇良才,棋逢對手。美方 李奇微似乎細心獨到,摸出誌願軍帶口糧一周之限,搞了個星期攻勢應對策略,的確給誌願軍不少麻煩。其它兩位美司令,也絕非草包。

美方,本來是 一位5星上將,後來兩位都是4星級的。美軍當時國內還有好幾位5星上將,誰也不願意去韓戰,一場打不贏的戰爭中自毀名聲。

麥克阿瑟被擼了後,李奇微是 在韓接替,克拉克則是後來另派去的。


誌願軍 當初無軍銜,1955時才有了軍銜,是一帥,一大將,三上將。


Senate concludes inquiry into dismissal of Gen. Douglas MacArthur, June 27,  1951 - POLITICO

Douglas MacArthur | Biography, Command, & Facts | Britannica

Truman Dismisses MacArthur 麥克阿瑟 5星上將 與 杜魯門總統

麥克阿瑟是 首任韓戰 美聯軍司令

The President and his General: The Parallels and Differences between the  dismissals of MacArthur and McChrystal | letawookieewin

President Truman relieves General MacArthur of duties in Korea - HISTORY


An Overview of the Korean War  李奇微 4星上將, 第二任 美聯軍司令

Le général Ridgway | Wwii history, War heroes, World war two

Matthew Bunker Ridgway (March 3, 1895 – July 26, 1993) was a senior officer in the United States Army, who served as Supreme Allied Commander Europe (1952–1953) and the 19th Chief of Staff of the United States Army (1953–1955).

Biography of Matthew Ridgway, Korean War General


【 James A. Van Fleet Never replaced Ridgway as commander of United Nations forces in Korea. Ridgway was succeeded by Clark.】

U.S. President-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower is flanked by Gen. Mark W. Clark, left, commanding general, U.S. Armed Forces Far East, and by Gen. James Van Fleet, U.S. 8th Army commander, after reviewing U.S. Marines and other U.S. units in South Korea on Dec. 7, 1952 during the Korean War. Associated Press

The Will to Win: The Life of General James A. Van Fleet by Paul F. Braim  (2008-09-01): Paul F. Braim: Amazon.com: Books General James A. Van Fleet - Autographed Signed Photograph | HistoryForSale  Item 24453

範弗裏特 4星上將 美第8集團軍司令 (時在朝鮮) -- 此人 也是一名聰明的戰將


Presidents and Crisis: Dwight Eisenhower and the Korean War: potus_geeks —  LiveJournal 

艾森浩 在 朝鮮用餐 1952-12

Michael Beschloss on Twitter: "As President-elect, Eisenhower makes good on  campaign pledge to go to Korea to decide how to end Korean War, today 1952:  #Getty… https://t.co/MH4VvfgFQ5"



 American Generals Dwight D. Eisenhower and George S. Patton stand... News  Photo - Getty Images 艾森浩  巴頓 杜魯門


File:General Clark signs the Korean Armistice Agreement.jpg

克拉克4星上將 韓戰期間的第三任聯軍總司令

1953-7-27 簽署 韓戰停火協定

Mark Wayne Clark 1943.jpg Mark W Clark - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia

Mark Wayne Clark (May 1, 1896 – April 17, 1984) was a United States Army officer who saw service during World War IWorld War II, and the Korean War. He was the youngest four-star general in the United States Army during World War II.

Gen. Mark W. Clark after arriving in Seoul. | Korean war, Culture art, Seoul

In March 1945, Clark, at the age of 48, became the youngest American officer ever to be promoted to the rank of four star general.

During the Korean War, he took over as commander of the United Nations Command on May 12, 1952, succeeding General Matthew Ridgway, a close friend and a fellow graduate of the West Point class of 1917. 

 1942 克拉克 和  艾森浩 (注意 那時 艾克是3星,克拉克是2星)

Clark commanded UN forces in Korea until the armistice was signed on July 27, 1953 and retired from the Army on October 31 of the same year.

 On July 27, 1953, at the 159th plenary session, an Armistice agreement was formalized. Believing himself to be the first U.S. commander to agree to an Armistice without victory, Clark signed the peace documents at U.N. Command advance headquarters at Munsan-ni, stating afterwards, "I cannot find it in me to exalt at this hour."



The frustrated general saw the Korean War through to the end and was there to sign the armistice, but he never hesitated to express his disgust at being the first U.S. commander to agree to a truce without victory.


Image 1 for General Mark W. Clark - Autographed Signed Photograph - HFSID 290462

MARK W. CLARK Shown in a black and white photograph as a Lieutenant General standing beside General George S. Patton and General Henry H. Arnold during President Roosevelt's visit to Sicily in December of 1943 巴頓 阿諾爾德 克拉克  三位將軍 1943

Amazon.com: General Mark W. Clark - Photograph Signed: Entertainment  Collectibles

General Mark W. Clark - Autographed Inscribed Photograph | HistoryForSale  Item 40563

Mark W Clark High Resolution Stock Photography and Images - Alamy

U.S. generals, Korean War

右二 為 四星上將


彭德懷 陳賡 鄧華 三位司令員 (陳賡任職2個月後,被中央調回國內另有重任)



李誌民 楊得誌 上將 第三任 誌願軍司令 政委





王平 楊勇 上將 最後一任誌願軍司令 政委 (在朝鮮任職最長的司令和政委,三年多)



毛澤東 對 當年搞軍銜是不太感冒的,後來隨了大流,照顧了情緒。但是,從心底裏是不喜歡的。

1965-6-1 推出65式軍服,毛是很讚成的。他對官兵融洽關係看得更重。對所謂“正規化”等,其實不屑一顧。


1979-80 打越南時,前方某些人說 幾次打亂了,沒有軍銜標誌,不知道聽誰指揮誰,所以很有必要恢複軍銜製,肩章領章,便於識別。 灑家對此說,一直存疑。從紅軍八路新四抗聯瓊崖等 打了幾十年,從來沒有什麽混亂了,無法指揮了。有個方法,有個標誌,不從領章肩章上也能辨別和發出或執行指揮。


上幾圖中,美軍高級將領的帽子上,領口,或肩章上的軍銜階級, 當然是一目了然,便於識別。應該鑒別參考,拿來我用。



Kim Jong Un celebrates anniversary by handing out pistols - Business Insider

Is This an Unaltered Photograph of North Korean Officers with Medals?





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