Dr. Amy Chua 是耶魯大學法學院的 John M. Duff, Jr. 冠名教授,研究國際商業。 她的父母均為中國人 (華裔),從菲律賓移民美國。Dr. Amy Chua 畢業於加州的 El Cerrito High School (1980 年),獲該年度該校第一位畢業生的美譽 (Valedictorian,共 384 位學生畢業)。畢業後,她先後在哈佛大學獲得了文科學士 (1984) 和法學博士 (1987) 學位。
在擔任耶魯大學教授後,Dr. Chua 先後出版了兩部學術專著。在二零零二年出版的《燃燒的世界 - 自由經濟和民主的輸出是怎樣繁衍出種族仇恨和環球不安的》(WORLD ON FIRE, Subtitle: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability) 一書中,Dr. Chua 對當前美國向全球強行推廣自由經濟和民主人權的政策進行了深刻反思。
Fungusface2008-05-31 08:24:34回複悄悄話
這個蠢女人,受不了了,她說她認為中國不會成為hyperpower,ok, i take this assumption as acceptable,然而她說到她的論證是,因為中國不夠tolerant!因為隻看見中國人移民出去,見不到西方人移民進來....
dadaoda2007-12-20 09:41:35回複悄悄話
Like her or not, she is a US-educated professor, working in a US university. She's been carved and will live in such a way. At least her view on "兼容併蓄" is plausible for immigrants.
ha_ha2007-12-19 23:35:12回複悄悄話
You will not like her after you read her book "World on Fire". Believe me. From my point of view, she is quiet limited in her life circle, such as rich Chinese overseas in Southeast asia. She created or developed two theories: minority dominated market and hyper-power. Not very impressive for me at all. In her book "World on Fire", she repeated samilar case to different countries again and again. Her attitudes towards mainland Chinese were really bad. She even said that 'the most recent arrival Chinese are the most disliked, and they are impressed people by talking loud and spite everywhere'.She totally distinguished herself from other Chinese, especially mainland Chinese.
6668889992007-12-19 22:29:39回複悄悄話
She analyzed all the questions according the so called comparative history point, and never did she consider the dynamic developments of the other countries -- especially China and Russia.The main reason for the US is the No.1 in the world nowadays is benefited from its political structure which can find the suitable people to do the suitable things rather than 'tolerance' itself. The connection between the US and the other countries through is too weak and I couldn't see that can create anything related to 'loyalty'. The presidential election of 2000 between Gore and Bush shows that the US changed already -- the government is also dominated by families and really brilliant ordinary people don't have the chance to live in White House anymore, which indicates that US loses its advantage of its political structure and that's the start of its declination. In the last 7 years the Bush administration is nothing but 'a fly without its head', many other countries suffered from that but the Americans didn't get any benefit from that either. For 2008 presidential campaign, I haven't found any candidate can compare with Clinton yet.
我不明白一方麵她大談寬容tolerance, 另一方麵又極度批評各種人群。一方麵要贏得美國的共鳴教育美國要tolerant,想必是對她這類自我標榜有教養、來自富裕人階層、生於美國的華人的tolerance,另一方麵又極度歧視並闡述“其他”人是如何的低微與下賤。這種矛盾的思想與表現,美國人是無法辨別的。
...Amy Chua 教授在演講中講了一個有趣的故事,兩個獵人同時在被野熊追趕,他們間隻要誰跑得更快就能脫險
**** 是啊,其中的一個獵人再腳下使個拌子,擊倒另一個,自己就更安全啦!
WORLD ON FIRE, Subtitle: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability