廣播的背景介紹:這段錄音來自美國國家公眾廣播電台 (NPR) 的節目《Fresh Air》。這是《Fresh Air》節目的臨時主持人采訪《紐約時報》駐國會新聞組主任,資深記者 CARL HULSE,談的就是國會改革。
上圖:Carl Hulse
Carl Hulse 簡介 (恕不翻譯):
Carl Hulse is Chief Congressional Correspondent for the New York Times. In that role, he leads the paper's coverage of the legislative and political activities of both the House and Senate. He has covered Capitol Hill in various capacities since 1985 and became a congressional correspondent for The Times in May 2002.
Previously, he was an editor in the Washington Bureau beginning in February 2001, overseeing the night operations of the bureau during the aftermath of the September 2001 attacks.
Carl joined the New York Times Company in June 1986 and served as the Washington bureau chief for the New York Times Regional Newspaper Group, an assortment of community newspapers owned by the company and centered in the Southeast.
EarMarks: 一項提案 (主要是 Spending Bill) 通過成為法案時,國會議員有權匿名附加任何 Spending 項目。美國政府網頁裏對 EarMarks 這樣評說:Earmarks are funds provided by the Congress for projects or programs where the congressional direction (in bill or report language) circumvents the merit-based or competitive allocation process, or specifies the location or recipient, ...。這是一個極大的腐敗,國會改革,EarMarks 將會壽終正寢 (極可能死)。
"Dead at night": 指一項法案即將被通過時,政治對手可以匿名的加入一個項目,而這個項目極為惡毒,使得整個法案無法通過。這是政治對手間常用的方法。(現不知道是否會被取消)
各種 Hold: 主要見於參議院。一種叫 "the cholk hold" (That is to kill the bill entirely by holding it); the May West hold 則是指,某參議員不滿意,提案參議員必須去跟他見麵商談;the rotating hold 當然就是指幾個參議員合作搞垮對手。總之,各種 Hold 都是匿名的,holder 者可以欲所欲為。改革後,匿名的部分將被取消。但總的來說,hold 方法是阻擾別人的法案 (法案的通過與否應當由表決決定,而不是被 hold)。