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21天加拿大海洋省 (12) 第 15/16 日 - Halifax堡壘, Peggy Cove燈塔

(2014-05-21 09:15:52) 下一個

21天加拿大海洋省 (12) 第 15/16 日 - Halifax堡壘, Peggy Cove燈塔


Around the Maritimes in 21 Days (12) Day 15/16 - Halifax Citadel / Peggy Cove







Baddeck NS to Halifax NS 車程3至4小時.





Halifax堡壘, Peggy Cove燈塔

The Halifax Citadel is one of Canada’s great heritage treasures, a physical reminder of this country’s transition from colony to nation. It is a nationally significant symbol of Halifax’s role as a principal naval station in the British Empire and of the city’s importance to Canadian history.

From Halifax’s founding in 1749, the fortifications on Citadel Hill have been vital to the defense of Halifax and its Naval Station. The present Citadel, the fourth to be built on this location, was completed in 1856. This massive star-shaped structure played a crucial role in protecting Halifax against French, American and German threats. While it never fired a shot in anger, its mere presence was enough to deter any potential enemy.

With the passage of time, the Citadel evolved to find a new significance in the defense of Halifax. When the British departed in 1906, it became an important part of Canadian military strategy. Through two World Wars, the Citadel served the country faithfully; it became a sentinel and a symbol for those soldiers serving overseas.

相對於法軍在Cape Breton的露易斯堡要塞, 四百公裏外的Halifax堡壘是英軍在北美的一個重要據點. 這一個八角星型堡壘修得如此堅固, 以至於沒有任何敵人敢於向它發起過一次進攻.

1. Halifax Citadel, NS, Aug 19


1869年至1891年, 來自蘇格蘭的第78高地步兵團( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/78th_(Highlanders)_Regiment_of_Foot )駐紮在Halifax堡壘. 這個團有大約34名軍官, 49名軍士長, 27名樂手, 和600名士兵. 士兵都是來自蘇格蘭鄉間未受過教育的少年. 戰時衝鋒陷陣, 平時學習文化. 他們永遠不可能升為軍官, 隻有十分之一的老兵被許可成家. 軍官都受過高等教育並十分富有, 因為軍費都發到軍官頭上, 由他們招募士兵. 體麵的軍官還招募軍樂隊的樂手.

2. Halifax Citadel, NS, Aug 19



這裏是值勤士兵的休息室. 第78高地步兵團的服裝來自於一個蘇格蘭富有家族的捐贈, 所以他們的裙裝帶有那一個家族的條紋. 士兵的長筒襪沒有襪底, 因為可以減少損耗. 紅色的製服是戰鬥裝, 後麵方形的背包裝有另外一套嶄新的製服, 犧牲之後就地更換下葬.

3. Halifax Citadel, NS, Aug 19



Halifax堡壘的城牆有2至4米厚, 門開得非常小.

4. Halifax Citadel, NS, Aug 19


Halifax堡壘的城牆有兩層, 突入第一層城牆的敵人會被四周的交叉火力逼得無處可逃.

5. Halifax Citadel, NS, Aug 19



6. Halifax Citadel, NS, Aug 19


參觀完Halifax堡壘後, 我們來到了Peggy Cove. Peggy Cove有一座有名的燈塔.

7. Peggy Cove, NS, Aug 19


8. Peggy Cove, NS, Aug 19


9. Peggy Cove, NS, Aug 19





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21天加拿大海洋省 (12) 第 15/16 日 - Halifax堡壘, Peggy Cove燈塔

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21天加拿大海洋省 (14) 攝影篇 (完)

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