


(2016-02-12 04:54:46) 下一個




中筋麵粉 1.5杯約375ml(1.5 cups all purpose flour, about 375 ml)
澄粉1/2杯約125ml (1/2 cup wheat starch about 125 ml)
高效幹酵母1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp dry yeast)
糖1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp sugar)
30 ° C左右溫水225ml(30 ° C warm water 225ml)
油 1湯匙(1tbsp oil)
今天給大家詳細介紹一下 非常漂亮的銀絲花卷的做法。
1、把高效幹酵母1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp dry yeast)糖1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp sugar)30 ° C左右溫水225ml(30 ° C warm water 225ml)放置5-10分鍾 直到出現浮沫。
2、把中筋麵粉 1.5杯約375ml(1.5 cups all purpose flour, about 375 ml)澄粉1/2杯約125ml (1/2 cup wheat starch about 125 ml) 放在一個大碗裏,(這裏加了一部分澄粉是為了降低一些麵筋 讓麵團更鬆軟,如果沒有,也可以全部用麵粉)
4、揉好的麵團,加蓋子 放到溫暖的地方讓它發酵 至2倍大,大約需要40分鍾左右,要看你的室溫情況。
7、一直擀成25CM×30CM的長方形。  在麵皮上刷一層油,然後對折成三層,用刀切成條(像做麵條一樣)。然後每5條一個小組,2份5條堆疊,稍微拉抻 卷成麻花狀 再打結做成花卷的樣子。
8、竹蒸籠裏墊上蒸籠紙(可以用烘培紙代替) 把花卷放入 加蓋。
9、蒸鍋裏放水,把它燒熱至40度左右,記住關火。再把裝著花卷的蒸籠放入,讓花卷在溫水鍋裏第二次發酵30分鍾。之後你會看到花卷體積長大。然後開中偏高火,當鍋裏水開後 再蒸12分鍾左右。中間不要打開蓋子,一直到蒸好後5分鍾 再開蓋。
Today we will be making a delicious and beautiful chinese steamed twisted rolls 
First combine the ingredients shown on the screen together, so just mix together the dry yeast, sugar and luke warm water. set for 5-10 minutes until foam form on the surface
Add flours and wheat starch into a large bowl, the wheat starch will lower the gluten content of the roll and make the texture flufflier, but its totally optional and you can use all flours instead 
Now add the yeast mixture into the flour and mix into a dough. the dough should form a solid ball shape rather easily.if you find your dough is too soft add in more flour, this will allow your dough to hold its twisty form better later on, adjust until the dough is no longer sticky 
Cover the rolled dough and let it rise in a warm area until it doubles in size, should take about 40 minutes , depending on the temperature of your room 
Sprinkle some flour on a chopping board and knead the the dough until it's smooth on the surface. It's important to knead out all the air bubbles so the rolls can retain it's twisted form. so put in some effort and knead away
Now devide the dough into 2 portions and evenly roll them out. periodically sprinkle on light layers of flour and fold the dough over in between rolling. pay attention to not let the dough stick to the board and keep the dough even in height
Once you've rolled the dough into a 25-30cm rectangle, brush on a layer of oil and fold in threes as shown then slice into long strips as you do with noodles and roll them into our nice fancy looking twisty rolls as shown here
Place some steamer paper into a bamboo steamer or you can use parchment paper, add in the twisty rolls and cover 
Add water into the steamer pot and after it has come to a boil and reach about 40degree celcius turn off the heat. now place the bamboo steamer inside and let the twisty rolls rise for the second time for about 30 minutes. you will see the rolls dramatically increase in volume. now turn the heat back on to medium high and after the water has come to a boil let it steam for 12 minutes. make sure you don't open the lid in between and wait only until it's done steaming for at least 5 minutes. 


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田園時光美食 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 菲兒 猴年大吉大利 萬事如意!
田園時光美食 回複 悄悄話 回複 '閑人一枚' 的評論 : 謝謝支持,節日愉快!
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 很讚!給田園拜年,祝猴年快樂,多出好菜!:)
閑人一枚 回複 悄悄話 哈哈,坐上了沙發頭一回!喜歡你的美食課,謝謝你!食美人也會美