

(2015-05-22 16:30:22) 下一個


首先不上藤校照樣可以成功,無數的例子說明,“Ivy League is not the only ticket to successref1. 如同文中所說:most top CEOs and presidents hail from more modest schools.“。(另文討論)。


但是,我們同樣應該看到這個數據,接近1/3 senators “have an ivy-caliber undergrad degrees”, ¼ 的州長“first attended elite colleges”.  (ref1)


許多領袖即使在 “non-elite colleges”獲得undergrads, 以後也會到”prominent graduate schools” 學習。

下麵這些數據可能更清楚,CNBC 匯編一個能夠影響人類下25年領袖名單, CNBC NEXT List 1/3 的領袖從三所學校畢業:Harvard, Stanford and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania” (ref2) .


Davos Academia 90%,  Forbes’s Powerful Men: 85%, Davos Government &Policy 73%, Davos CEO 60%, Forbes Powerful Women 55%, Forbes Billionaires 45%,  Senators 42%, Fortune 500 CEOs 38%, House Members 21%,.都是來自名校。


補充一點,這幾位都是藤校來的,Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush

總結:roughly 54% of corporate leaders and 42% of government officials are graduates of only 12 institutions, including Yale, Harvard, Princeton and Stanford, meaning that the friendships and associations formed at such universities ultimately shape the global economy, the political system and public opinion.”(ref5)

最後,我們聽聽學生Stanley 的說法As he sums up the last four years, Stanley concedes the opportunities that lay ahead may be worth more than the education he got.

"Is my degree worth it? Maybe not," Stanley explains. "Are the connections worth it? Definitely."ref3

 每個學生家庭個體,應該根據自己的情況,不要盲目爬藤,但是作為華人社區,我們應該鼓勵所有青年成為棟梁。 有機會就爬藤。將來出華裔美國總統。



Ref1:  http://fortune.com/2015/03/23/college-admissions-ivy-league/

Ref2:  http://www.cnbc.com/id/102141159

Ref3:  http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/money/perfi/college/2011-03-05-cnbc-ivy-league_N.htm

Ref4: http://qz.com/367077/frank-bruni-is-wrong-about-ivy-league-schools/

Ref5: https://agenda.weforum.org/2014/06/universities-ivy-league-clique/

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