
I think, therefore I am. - René Descartes

That\'s the last time!!!

(2010-01-09 15:18:44) 下一個


That's the last time!!!


You wanna kiss my butt?



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蘇鄉門地 回複 悄悄話 回複edrifter的評論:

那還用說,我看完就給仔仔拉過來了,一遍兩遍,這不,今天中文作業寫完,又獎勵一遍! :))) 哦,前天他“順便”看了其他的,什麽小貓小狗摔筋鬥,小朋友們頭撞頭,我倆衝著屏幕爆笑如雷,笑得眼淚水出來,笑完一回頭,竟看見家長站在我們倆身後,也不知道站了多久,於是仔仔說你就沒笑,缺乏幽默感~~~

“最愛收藏”博客裏有好多幽默片斷,過去我都是拉ZZ跟我一道看。 很放鬆。 上次這麽窮笑一氣,是看周立波,不曉得他這次肯不肯上春晚軋鬧猛,估計不會~~~
edrifter 回複 悄悄話 回複蘇鄉門地的評論:

生氣委屈的部分才是他可笑可愛的地方,如果隻是做 Macarena 動作,就沒有那麽可愛了。你注意一下,當他說完“Noooooo”轉過身來時,臉上還帶著苦笑。我真佩服這位當媽的,把小胖噸緊緊的裹在那個小小的三角褲裏讓他表演,居然還能集中精力在導演方麵,把持住不笑。 - 也可能是笑暈過去了。:-)

也許應該讓仔仔看一下這兩段 video, see if he can get a kick out of it. 也幫你一起反省一下。:-)
蘇鄉門地 回複 悄悄話 回複edrifter的評論:

嗬嗬,真的沒太在乎小胖墩的不滿情緒,隻覺得他所有的表情很自然可愛,即使是神色微怒和吐詞不暢也令人捧腹不已。 你別說我還真沒少tease ZZ過,人家有時候也很抗議的,可有時候看他很尷尬或很正經說話的樣子,還就忍不住要笑。 例子太多,回去反省了。。。
edrifter 回複 悄悄話 回複蘇鄉門地的評論:

Glad you watched it already. I caught just a glimpse of these two video clips on the American Funny Video show the other night and laughed my head off. Good thing that someone uploaded them on YouTube.

You wouldn’t think the little boy, stony-faced when first appeared, would fly into a rage and lashed out at his mom who asked him to show some Macarena dance – guess the mom demanded too much in her unyielding effort to get a good shot of the boy. He was so worked up that he could not even talk straight(“you said, I said, you said), then in the end he still unwillingly complied mom's request and did the move, something he seemingly did well with his little, lovely plump body, as his fury lingered on. It was so lovely!

That little girl was utterly sweet in front of her father, going through an emotional rollercoaster and exuding pure innocence even when she used that “offensive” language.

Still laughing...
蘇鄉門地 回複 悄悄話
Oh yeah, I do remember the macarena dance vividly! Everybody should remember it, but I had to admit that the boy does it much better than I do :)) He seems quite a nature born comedian to me:))

破涕為笑,眉開眼笑,正是純真的所在。 ZZdoes that a lot,still~~ 我也是比較喜歡這類的性格,哭得出,也笑得開,可惜成年人做得到的不多,有時候,倒過來學學孩子們,放下“威嚴”,開懷一笑,煩憂全沒了。 謝謝分享!  