

(2016-02-15 17:23:07) 下一個


http://www.nypdajs.org/1.html  紐約警察局的亞裔組織支持梁。


The Asian Jade Society,
would like to ask everyone concerned to donate to
Police Officer Peter Liang's Defense.

Any amount is appreciated.
Please write the Check to Peter Liang
and on the Memo Line, Please put Legal Defense
Please mail to

Asian Jade Society
C/O Peter Liang Legal Defense
PO Box, 969, Peck Slip Station
New York, NY 10272

Peter will is in the process of filing
legal motions. The appeal will be
expensive.  If you feel disheartened
from the verdict, Please donate.
We will do a fund raising event
in the near future.

We all know the dangers of vertical patrol,
If not for the Grace of God,
The Department would be facing another Funeral.
Speedy recover for both officers
Police Officer Diara Cruz &
Police Officer Patrick Espeut



Peter Liang has the constitutional right to be
deemed innocent till proven otherwise in the
Court of Law.

If you were ever in Law Enforcement,
in Particular, a Police Officer,
you will all understand the situation that
placed Police Officer Peter Liang
in that particular Housing Development during that time.

We have all been placed in similar situations,
the law enforcement grind to protect the
residents of these Developments from a few.
Most of us have survived our own situations,
most unscathed and not much worse
for the wear, none the less, its an experience
that we will never forget. Its and experience that
we are al thankful that we survived.


本來還以為他們怕得罪紐約警察局,會退卻,好樣的! 讓我看到希望!



答案是: No! 請幫助梁警官,並加入2/20各地大遊行! 細節看: helpliang.com


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