
台灣和香港的烏克蘭化 - CIA 正忙著策動中?

(2014-09-01 13:13:26) 下一個

請看昨天的一則消息 - “太陽花學運領袖林飛帆、陳為廷日前赴美國訪問”。。。

試想你我在大學讀書時,可以有時間和金錢搞學運,還能到美國去“訪問” ?(可能是接受CIA的進一步訓練?)如果不久的將來,林,陳 (美國CIA的台灣第五縱隊領頭?)等聯合民進黨等反藍勢力,發動類似烏克蘭的 “民主”反政府運動而奪取台灣政權,那時的台灣百姓將會像今天的烏克蘭一樣的遭受戰亂的悲慘境界。誰會是受益者?美國CIA 將領得最高功勳獎。

美國為的是維持帝國霸權,從美國的立場來說是在為自己的利益打拚。 但是,台灣人自己要有足夠的聰敏才智來保護自己整體利益,維持和平穩定的生活,不要成為他人在國際博弈中的一個棋子。希望大家都能警惕。

請看看美國一位前副部長 Dr. Paul Craig Roberts 最近的一篇有關美國軍工/情治/財經聯合體,對全球擴張的警語如下:

US War Against Russia Is Already Underway by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (Former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury)

We’ve seen the US change its war doctrine…The Ukraine is
directed at Russia. So, the war is already started, it is underway. That’s what
the Ukraine is about. It is the war against Russia.”
  And the war against China is in preparation. The US takes the side of every country that gets into a dispute with China, even over small things that have nothing whatsoever to do with the US.” “And Japan is a (U.S.) puppet state, it is not an independent country.”

”This (cold war) is a very profitable way to supply the US military-security complex with the taxpayers’ money. And in some ways it is safer than a war, because the war in Afghanistan didn’t go well, the war in Iraq didn’t go well. But if you can have a Cold War and you don’t actually fight, you can keep it going for years, just like the Cold War with the Soviet Union. And the Cold War built the military-security complex in the US.”


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