Killbear公園是一個位於加拿大安大略省Parry Sound 境內,伸向Georgian Bay內的半島。沿著400號公路向北走到頭,再轉559號公路就到了。
整個半島像似由一塊兒巨大的岩石組成。美麗的岩石、秀麗的湖灣、還有迎風挺立的鬆柏組成了一個讓人向往的度假勝地。這裏是安省最著名的夏日野營之地。但是這裏也是安省唯一的一種毒蛇Massasauga Rattlesnake的棲息地,所以在公園裏到處都會看到“Please Brake for Snakes”的提示牌,意思是:車輛在這裏要給蛇讓道。
Killbear is on a peninsula. Back when the natives owned the land and would do their hunting, they would chase the bears out through the Park, and the bears would stall at the waterline - the end of the peninsula. Although they can swim, the bears would stall for just enough time so that the natives could catch up and kill them.The Ojibway natives referred to Killbear point as Mukwa naosh which translates to bear point. Someone at the time of naming confused mukwa naosh (bear point) with mukwa naoshin (bear kill) and thus the park was named Killbear.