在拉斯維加斯的賭城大道上,一英畝土地的價格在4米~17米之間不等。八年前的三月也就是2013年3月,有一家來自亞洲的公司以3.5億美元買了87(Acres)英畝土地,計劃建造一個具有東南亞風情的渡假村賭場,現如今八年過去了還沒有正式開業,因為一顆八卦的心我就去狗了一下,The Resorts World Casino艾瑪,太炸了!活脫脫的一個電影劇本啊,怎麽也能拍出另一部超長板的“賭場風雲”,3.5個億開了個頭,40個億扔進去才是第一期的預算,宏偉壯觀的細節我就不囉嗦了,但是爛尾樓這樣的坑,全世界哪兒都是,誰碰都不會有好果子吃。
“In December 2018, Wynn Resorts filed a federal trademark infringement lawsuit against Genting, alleging similarities between Resorts World and Wynn's Las Vegas and Macau resorts. Alleged similarities included a curved facade and horizontal lines in between panels of bronze glass. Wynn Resorts alleged that Genting planned to profit by misleading visitors of Resorts World into believing that it was affiliated with Wynn's nearby Las Vegas resort. Wynn Resorts also alleged that someone involved in Resorts World Las Vegas had requested a local architect to produce a design for the project that would be identical or similar to Wynn's resorts.In January 2019, attorneys for Resorts World Las Vegas responded to the lawsuit, stating that the project had nearly two years to go before its opening and that it currently consisted of "a bare, skeletal structure covered by a few floors of window paneling," stating that once the resort was completed, it would look "dramatically different from Wynn's properties, dispelling any suggestion that a reasonable consumer could confuse the two resorts for each other."(來自網絡)