
Injury Time-off

(2015-09-04 12:22:23) 下一個

I got a severe right shoulder pain on Monday by lifting and
swinging a 16kg kettlebell. It had been a piece of cake but
this time somehow it engaged wrong parts of the shoulder and
I felt the pain right away. The next day, it got worse and I
couldn't lift my right arm without pain. One week almost
passed and it was only getting better slowly.
Now I've got a chance to enjoy some time off from all physical
exercises, it might be good to write about the injuries I've
got over the past year. So here it goes.

From running,
- IT-band Syndrome(ITBS). It was the first injury since I
  started running and I got this on the left leg. It was
  debilitating but getting better. Since I switched to Xero
  shoes, it's gone for good.

- Plantar Fasciitis(PF) on the right foot. It was bad when I
  first got it but got better. Nowadays it's very mild and
  would usually go away 10min into a run. I've been taking
  time off from running after the SFM and over the past
  month the PF seems gone. It might return once I start
  running again, though.

- Medial Collatoral Ligament(MCL) sprain on the left knee.
  I'm still not 100% sure this was exactly what I got from
  pounding downhill. It's getting better slowly.

- Tight hamstrings both sides. This is not exactly an injury
  but, with an active life style, could easily lead to one.
  I started to notice it only after the SFM and has been
  stretching regularly to fix it.

[There is some minor pain at where the leg joins the torso
when I lift a leg, to get into pants, e.g. Don't know if it
has anything to do with running. I'll do some research.]
From strength exercises,
- Severe back(lumbar) pain. This was from swinging the 16kg
  kettlebell. I stretched the lumbar due to poor hinge
  movements. I couldn't even run after that. It's gone now.

- Bad right wrist sprain. I tried to do a left-side Turkish
  Getup with a 24kg kettlebell, backed down in the middle,
  used the right hand to support the bottom of the bell,
  landed too quickly on the right elbow. I could barely turn
  on the car using my right hand after this. It's gone now.

I don't remember getting hurt often from swimming, except
for occasional scratches and the swimmer's ear a long
time(15yrs) ago. Riding a bike has been harmless, too, if I
don't fall or have a collision.

My 20-year-old athlete's foot problem has completely gone
after wearing Xeros for 5 months. My son commented on the
healthy looks of my toe nails this morning. Well, I am so

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