(2005-09-02 15:39:27)
約阿施 - 預表新約的教會
祭司耶何耶大 - 預表聖靈
約阿施 is a picture of the 新約教會. He did what was right all the days of 耶何耶大. 耶何耶大 being the picture of the Holy Spirit was with Joash until he dies at 130 years old.
1). 130 = 13x10. In the bible 13 represents 'Super Fullness', while 12 represent fullness.
2). There are 13 Israel tribe in actuality; and there are 13 apostles instead of 12.
3). (創6:3)耶和華說、人既屬乎血氣、我的靈就不永遠住在他裏麵、然而他的日子還可到一百二十年。1988 marks the 13,000year birth day of God's creation. See #5 '主看一日如千年、千年如一日'
4). Jesus was born about 11,000 years after the creation, and in 啟示錄, God talks about that there are 一千年 before the 大災難開始。Thus, it appears that there were only 12K years, but in actuality, there are 13K years.
啟20:2 他捉住那龍、就是古蛇、又叫魔鬼、也叫撒但、把他捆綁一千年、
Also see (20:3,20:5,20:7)
3:3 第一要緊的、該知道在末世必有好譏誚的人、隨從自己的私欲出來譏誚說、
** 第一要緊的 - The most important!!
3:4 主要降臨的應許在哪裏呢.因為從列祖睡了以來、萬物與起初創造的時候仍是一樣。
3:5 他們故意忘記、從太古憑 神的命有了天、並從水而出借水而成的地.
3:6 故此、當時的世界被水淹沒就消滅了.
3:7 但現在的天地、還是憑著那命存留、直留到不敬虔之人受審判遭沉淪的日子、用火焚燒。
(KJV)But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
** 'by the same word '
6). The same word in the days of Flood:
7:2 凡潔淨的畜類、你要帶七公七母.不潔淨的畜類、你要帶一公一母.
7:3 空中的飛鳥、也要帶七公七母、可以留種、活在全地上、
7:4 因為再過七天、我要降雨在地上四十晝夜、把我所造的各種活物、都從地上除滅。
** Notice the repeated number 7.
7). 一日如千年、千年如一日。
The flood occured at 4990B.C. It would be exactly 7000 (7x1000) years when it reaches 2011A.D.
8) 詩 篇 90
90:4 在你看來、千年如已過的昨日、又如夜間的一更。
90:5 你叫他們如水衝去.他們如睡一覺.早晨、他們如生長的草.
90:6 早晨發芽生長、晚上割下枯幹。
90:7 我們因你的怒氣而消滅、因你的忿怒而驚惶。
90:8 你將我們的罪孽擺在你麵前、將我們的隱惡擺在你麵光之中。
90:9 我們經過的日子、都在你震怒之下.我們度盡的年歲、好像一聲歎息。
90:10 我們一生的年日是七十歲.若是強壯可到八十歲.但其中所矜誇的、不過是勞苦愁煩.轉眼成空、我們便如飛而去。
** Notice of the similar words used: 千年如日, 如水衝去, and 七.
8). Very interesting. We find the following verses in which God relates the number 12 with 13 directly. When was the DAY?
以 斯 帖 記
9:1 十二月、乃亞達月、十三日、王的諭旨將要舉行、就是猶大人的仇敵盼望轄製他們的日子、猶大人反倒轄製恨他們的人.
9:2 猶大人在亞哈隨魯王各省的城裏聚集、下手擊殺那要害他們的人.無人能敵擋他們、因為各族都懼怕他們。
Joash's riegn of 40 years signifies the complete fullness of the Church age until
Jehoiada dies (meaning the Holy Spirit is taken out of the church)Joash then
turned his back completely against God (the end time churches) and even killed
Zachariah the son of Jehoiada....