(2013-05-17 21:15:34)
這裏再分享一個故事。一天到一初中。中飯吃飯時間很想和學生聊一下天,就選了一個座位,與學生一起吃飯。兩個白人學生,五個亞裔,一個黑學生一桌。我打開話題說了一連串笑話。逗得兩個白,兩個亞裔哈哈大笑。五個亞裔中的另一個問我,why were you acting like that? 答,I were not acting, I am just like that! A silly, billy person. 然後大家問我,where are from?答 China。 Most of them said how come? 問為什麽? 你們不喜歡嗎? They all said just never met any teachers acting like that before. They all liked it and hope I stay there for every. I said unfortunately can not, but definitely will be back. 其中一個亞裔,last name looks like Chinese name. 說要是她媽媽有一點象我就好了。我說I Wish too! 那天放學時,main office people told me two boys reported to the office I am the funniest teacher they ever have, ask me consider working in their school permanently. I teased may be I will. 這個故事,說明學生在家裏真的有時需要一個輕鬆的環境。如果家長要是silly 一些,沒準就可以拉近和自己孩子的距離。孩子們真的需要一個比較輕鬆,自由的環境,才能減小各種壓力。以利於更好的學習和成長!