
為加州華人提供貸款信息和經驗交流。 我們的宗旨是忠誠於人,勤奮於事,將心比心,幫人第一。聯係方式: jingsunloan@gmail.com

08/30加州今日房貸利率 /11:30am

(2013-08-30 11:06:31) 下一個

No change in the still technically bearish
interest rate markets. Jeff Lacker,
President of Richmond Fed,spoke yesterday
on tapering saying the economy is good
enough to begin tapering.

Conforming loan (<=$417k)

Purpose of Loan    30 YR   15 YR   5/1  7/1
Purchase Loan    4.375  3.375  3.125   3.625
Refinance Loan    4.500  3.500  3.250   3.750

The rates are based on criterion below and
good for the time when they are quoted:

There is no point, no fee for refinance but
there is fee for purchase loan. Some rates
require GC/Citizen. Adding impound account
might bring in better rates.

Rate change is subject to loan amount,
impound, property type(SFH vs Condo),
financing purpose (cash out),occupancy type
( investment or second home),GC/Citizen,
LTV and other conditions.

High Balance Loan (<=625k)

Purpose of Loan    30 YR    15 YR   5/1  7/1
Purchase Loan    4.500  3.500    3.250  3.625
Refinance Loan    4.625  3.625    3.375   3.750
The rates are based on criterion below and
good for the time when they are quoted:

There is no point, no fee for refinance but
there is fee for purchase loan. Some rates
require GC/Citizen.Adding impound account
might bring in better rates.

Rate change is subject to loan amount,
impound, property type(SFH vs Condo),
financing purpose (cash out),occupancy type
( investment or second home),GC/Citizen,
LTV and other conditions.

Jumbo Loan ( Up to 2M)

Purpose of Loan    30 YR   15 YR   5/1   7/1
Purchase Loan    5.000  4.250    3.000  3.125
Refinance Loan    5.125  4.375    3.125  3.250

The rates are based on criterion below and
good for the time when they are quoted:

There is no point, no fee for refinance but
there is fee for purchase loan. Some rates
require GC/Citizen.Adding impound account
might bring in better rates.

Rate change is subject to loan amount,
impound, property type(SFH vs Condo),
financing purpose (cash out),occupancy type
( investment or second home),GC/Citizen,
LTV and other conditions.


Jing Sun

BRE 01880010
NMLS 339172


If you need to get real-time rate for your
specific loan,please include the answers to
following questions into your email and send
it to jingsunloan@gmail.com.
It will be answered within 24 hours.

1) Loan amount
2) Self-occupied or Investment or second home
3)Single Family House or Condo
4)Self-estimated FICO score
5)Expected  LTV (loan to value of house)
6) W-2 or Self employed
7) Expected yearly DTI (Debt to income) ratio
8) Any other houses or loans
9) Type of loan you are interested(refi/new, 30,15,3/1,5/1, 7/1)
10) Is this for cash out?
11) What is your current mortgage rate and when did you get it?
12) Do you want impound account?
13) Status (Citizen, Green Card or H1-b)

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