1. 自己:
- 身體要精瘦有力並勻稱(lean and fit),
- 頭腦與思維方式(mindset)要追求平衡和自我掌控(balanced and self-mastered);
- 還要有潔淨並向上的靈(pure and uplifting spirit);
- 職業規劃上,要達到自己的不高的目標(目前還差兩步);
- 在家居設計布置上繼續不斷努力學習和提高
2. 家庭:
- 愉悅的,受尊敬的丈夫(feel good and free to be himself);
- 安全而無憂慮的父母;
- 孩子們安然成長的環境:安全,舒適,整潔,with style and taste.
3. 孩子們:
- 富有營養而充足的食物供應他們身體發育所需(help boost their physical development);
- 識別和選擇好食物的能力;一些基本廚房技能;
- 慢慢協助他們養成日常鍛煉身體的習慣(engage them in daily exercise);
- 發展一定的體育技能(karate, etc.)
- 培養獨立性(independence: resourcefulness and initiative, taking responsibilities)
- 培養人格的完整性(integrity)
- 條理性(organized, prioritized)
- 鼓勵勇敢,刻苦,堅忍與追求卓越的品質;
- 也鼓勵放鬆,自在與隨遇而安的品質;
- 培養價值觀,從而使他們明白何為寶貴,何重何輕;
- 家庭的觀念,賢妻(noble wife)的觀念。
Seven years from now, I want myself to be fit, gentle, energetic, wise, intelligent, principle centered, have a fairly good career, a well respected husband, older but happy and healthy parents, and three happy and thriving children.
I want myself to be strong enough to be able to keep silent at times, to appear fail and accept failure, and to be truly self-mastered and full of true wisdom and love.