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周三去Sudbury, 昨晚回來,昨天早上查,隻說北部才能看到。今天看,全加拿大和美國北部都能看到。早知如此,就多呆一晚,北極光會更好看些。
(後補:昨晚LD開車往北1個多小時,非常失望,連北極光的影子都沒有,也許跟多雲有關?好久沒有這麽失望過,看北極光是我的bucket list, LD為了讓我高興,來來回回在不知名的路上開了很久)。還是以後去黃刀看算了。
今天早上起來心情不錯,出去走了2個多小時,後半小時開始感覺到左邊小腿很疼,後來去店子裏疼的連走路都困難,上網一查,shin splint, 踩單車和爬山傷的。
The Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) has issued G1 and G2 geomagnetic storm watches for the night of August 31 into the following morning. "These geomagnetic storm conditions are forecast in response to influences associated with a coronal hole high speed stream," the SWPC wrote in the alert. Under these conditions, there's an increased chance of seeing the northern lights markedly further south than usual.
The SWPC's map is a little small, so it's difficult to see exactly where the southern reach of aurora could hit. You're looking at an area that's about halfway between the yellow and green lines. A previous map with greater detail shows the "most likely area of Aurora Extent" for the night of August 31 will include Alaska, northern Idaho, northern Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin, in addition to all of Canada.