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"All We Want Is Make Us Free"  - Sengbe Pieh

收藏到印有外銷瓷的明信片. 這是清代中國外銷瓷盤子製於公元1820年,它藏在Peabody Museum of Salem, Massachusetts. 這外銷精品瓷上麵畫有帆船-友誼號, 這種外銷瓷的明信片鳳毛麟角!Google 都看不到. 

友誼號帆船(built in 1797)及古董盤都很漂亮,可是在這個漂亮的帆船背後還有一個驚人的故事,,,


Ship FRIENDSHIP Naval Cover Unused Post Card SALEM, MASS (回家藏品)

Ornamental platter with three-masted ship and inscription 'Friendship Salem,' circa 1820. (Courtesy of Sotheby's)
(estimate: $6,000–8,000 at 2010)


Courtesy of the Peabody Essex Museum


Friendship, a reconstruction of a 171-foot three-masted Salem East Indiaman built in 1797, arrived on September 1, 1998 at the National Park Service's Salem Maritime National Historic Site in Salem, after two years of construction at Scarano Boat Building in Albany, NY. She is the largest wooden, Coast Guard certified, sailing vessel to be built in New England in more than a century.

Additional work on the ship was done by staff from Salem Maritime NHS, the Naval Historical Center Detachment Boston, and Dion's Yacht Yard of Salem. In mid-October 2000, Friendship was moved to the Charlestown Navy Yard in Boston and moored in front of the USS Constitution. There her upper masts and yards were installed as NPS Riggers and Carpenters worked in conjunction with the USSConstitution's M & R staff.

The replica is based on a model of the originalFriendship at the Peabody Essex Museum, as well as several paintings of the ship and numerous documents, including logs of the ship's voyages.

The new Friendship is part of the National Park Service's larger exhibit area at Salem Maritime National Historic Site. She is a fully operational sailing vessel but stays close to home so that everyone can come aboard. On special occasions she sails as Essex County's flagship, visiting ports along our coast to join in maritime festivals and events.

The Original Friendship

Construction on the original Friendship was begun in 1796 by shipbuilder, Enos Briggs, known for the Frigate Essex, at his shipyard across from today's Salem Maritime National Historic Site. The original three-masted, square-rigged, 342-ton vessel, Friendship, was registered in 1797 to merchants Jerathmiel Peirce and Aaron Waite.

She travelled the world trading for exotic spices, sugar and coffee, making 16 voyages to China, Java, Sumatra, Madras, London. Hamburg, Archangel, St.Petersburg, and other European ports. She was captured by the British in the War of 1812. The Peabody Essex Museum houses the ship logs for several of her voyages, as well as Aaron Waite's shipping papers detailing information about the ship's accounts.

Friendship Today

Visitors can tour Friendship and watch the volunteers and staff working on her at the historic wharves at Salem Maritime National Historic Site. In addition to being open for tours as part of the programs of the Site, Friendshipsails as an ambassador ship for the Essex National Heritage Area.

Friendship is maintained in Salem by National Park Service staff and volunteers. Through an exclusive arrangement between the National Park Service and the Salem Partnership, you can enjoy the use of one of Salem's most unique and imaginative venues Friendship of Salem, for your corporate or social special event.






Freedom Schooner Amistad arrived in Philadelphia / 美國“友誼”號仿古帆船


勇者無懼的劇情簡介  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·

  1839年,運送黑奴的阿米斯塔德號在大洋上遭遇暴風雨,黑奴們趁亂暴動,將船員砍殺,控製了阿米斯塔德號後試圖駛回家鄉,然而六周後,他們陰差陽錯 抵達了美國,幸存下來的44名黑奴被美國軍方逮捕,並將麵臨殺人罪的指控。此時,西班牙女王向美國總統要求引渡這些屬於西班牙的黑奴;兩名海軍軍官也宣稱 黑奴是他們的戰利品;另有人拿出了在古巴購買這些黑奴的證明。各方爭執之際,廢奴會的領袖之一、同時也是船公司負責人的喬德森(摩根·弗裏曼 Morgan Freeman 飾)與友人塔培安雇傭了律師羅傑,希望證明這些黑奴來自非洲,從而在廢奴觀念深入人心的大環境下為他們謀取自由……

第70屆奧斯卡金像獎 (1998)

  • 最佳男配角(提名)
  • 安東尼·霍普金斯
  • 最佳攝影(提名)
  • 賈努茲·卡明斯基
  • 最佳服裝設計(提名)
  • 露絲·E·卡特
  • 劇情片最佳原創配樂(提名)
  • 約翰·威廉姆斯


The Amistad Case

". . . each of them are natives of Africa and were born free, and ever since have been and still of right are and ought to be free and not slaves . . ."

S. Staples, R. Baldwin, and T. Sedgewick, Proctors for the Amistad Africans, January 7, 1840


In February of 1839, Portuguese slave hunters abducted a large group of Africans from Sierra Leone and shipped them to Havana, Cuba, a center for the slave trade. This abduction violated all of the treaties then in existence. Fifty-three Africans were purchased by two Spanish planters and put aboard the Cuban schooner Amistad for shipment to a Caribbean plantation. On July 1, 1839, the Africans seized the ship, killed the captain and the cook, and ordered the planters to sail to Africa. On August 24, 1839, the Amistad was seized off Long Island, NY, by the U.S. brig Washington. The planters were freed and the Africans were imprisoned in New Haven, CT, on charges of murder. Although the murder charges were dismissed, the Africans continued to be held in confinement as the focus of the case turned to salvage claims and property rights. President Van Buren was in favor of extraditing the Africans to Cuba. However, abolitionists in the North opposed extradition and raised money to defend the Africans. Claims to the Africans by the planters, the government of Spain, and the captain of the brig led the case to trial in the Federal District Court in Connecticut. The court ruled that the case fell within Federal jurisdiction and that the claims to the Africans as property were not legitimate because they were illegally held as slaves. The case went to the Supreme Court in January 1841, and former President John Quincy Adams argued the defendants' case. Adams defended the right of the accused to fight to regain their freedom. The Supreme Court decided in favor of the Africans, and 35 of them were returned to their homeland. The others died at sea or in prison while awaiting trial.

From The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration


這部電影是取材於曆史真實事件(有趣的是,斯氏的三部人文關懷片全是出自真實曆史記載,看來好劇本是不用現編更不必胡編的)。它通過一起黑奴謀殺船員罪案的刑事審判,引出了潛藏於後的蓄奴與廢奴之爭。當時的法律已禁止從非洲走私黑奴,律師從船上找到證據,並與黑奴首領辛格Cinque設法溝通後, 證明船上的黑人來自非洲,本來是非法走私黑奴的受害者,而且在船上受盡了非人的折磨,並被白人船員妄殺若幹,所以才有了後來為自救而殺死船員的行為。這一 案件在聯邦法院兩次審理後獲判無罪,但因牽涉美國南北方的分裂與對立,當時的美國總統為了討好南方保守派勢力,並避免引發美國內戰,直接幹預此案審理,將此案送到最高法院進行上訴,而最高法院大法官中,多數為南方大奴隸主,判決結果預料會對黑奴不利。此時,前任美國總統約翰·昆西·亞當斯(John Quincy Adams) 親自出馬,以高齡之弱體,在法庭平靜陳述自由平等博愛的美國立國之本,為本已處於弱勢的黑奴們贏到了他們與所有白人一樣具有的人類天賦權利——自由!
據說此片曆時十三年,從改編劇本到精選角色,斯皮爾伯格可謂嘔心瀝血,扮演約翰·昆西·亞當斯的安東尼霍普金斯果然不負所望,功力精深,他看似贏弱,實則強硬堅定的態度(“如果這會導致南北戰爭,那就開戰好了,這將會是美國革命戰爭的最後一役。” ),不僅維護了黑奴的權利,而且捍衛真正的美國精神。 這部電影繼承了《辛德勒名單》的紀實風格,海上的血腥殺戮與黑奴的追憶敘述,重現了曆史的真實,在真實的細節描述中,揭示了人性的美醜善惡。誠如斯皮爾伯 格所說:“這部影片將永遠跟隨著我們…我覺得我拍的不是別人的故事, 我覺得這是每個人的故事,每個國家每個種族都應該知道這個故事。”



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