其他語言中,這一紋路經常被稱為“希臘紋”,例如意大利語 greca。
希臘回紋,又譯希臘鑰匙、希臘鍵紋,英文名叫Greek Key Motif。希臘回紋的圖案來源於River Meaner, 相傳是出自古希臘遊吟詩人荷馬的敘事詩作《伊利亞特》裏麵一條彎彎曲曲的河流,而《伊利亞特》正是直接描寫特洛伊戰爭的英雄史詩。
回紋圖案是古希臘中最重要的標誌之一,它象征著永恒和萬事萬物的無限循環,其擁有數千年的曆史,也對西方的建築裝飾產生了源遠流長的影響。這個圖案被廣泛 地用於建築、時裝、室內設計和家居等設計行業,大名鼎鼎的時尚巨頭VERSACE,就用希臘回紋包裹美杜莎頭像作為LOGO的表現元素,象征奢華與高貴。
Albright-Knox art gallery - Buffalo, NY 希臘回紋
Frederick Humble Building 希臘回紋
商代青銅器,其中最細的紋路類似希臘回紋 (中國回紋)
The Greek Key/meander motif took its name from the river Meander in ancient Greece (present day Turkey). The Meander was characterized by a very convoluted path. It became the most important symbol in Ancient Greece, symbolizing infinity or the eternal flow of things.
The Greek key, which is also known as a meander, is an ancient Greek design. It dates back to ancient Greece where it symbolized infinity and eternity. It can be found today in jewelry and art.
The Meander was characterized by a very convoluted path.
Meander symbolizes as well the bonds of friendship, of love and devotion and that’s the reason it’s often given as marriage gift. It can symbolize as well the four cardinal points, the 4 seasons, waves – especially in the round version of it, or snakes, among others.
The greek key is also called the meander. The meander symbolized the eternal flow of things. It is the symbol of eternal love, eternal life and eternal friendships.
The meander motif took its name from the river Meander, a river with many twists, mentioned by Homer in Iliad. The motif is also known as Greek key or Greek fret.
Meander was the most important symbol in Ancient Greece, symbolizing infinity or the eternal flow of things. Many temples and objects were decorated with this motif, and it is considered that there is a connection with the Cretan labyrinth – indeed - a labyrinth can be drawn using a Greek key.
Meander symbolizes as well the bonds of friendship, of love and devotion and that’s the reason it’s often given as marriage gift. It can symbolize as well the four cardinal points, the 4 seasons, waves – especially in the round version of it, or snakes, among others.
From ma隨風的博客 (http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_dca23fea0101m6s5.html)
A Chinese Export "Famille Rose" Covered Platter, c.1810 中國回紋
a Chinese Export porcelain covered deep platter; Qing Dynasty, probably during the reign of Jiaqing (1796-1820); the modified Greek key motif most likely based on English ceramic prototypes; a gilt and rouge-de-fer palette with cobalt blue accents; in excellent condition with minor rubbing to gilt edge; dimensions: 14 1/2" length x 11 1/2" depth x 5 1/4" tall
乾隆卡咖啡杯--中國回紋 (回家藏品)
回紋是指以橫豎折繞組成如同“回”字形的一種傳統幾何裝飾紋樣,因其構成形式回環反複,延綿不斷,回紋在民間有“富 貴不斷頭”的說法。根據其紋樣的特性,人們賦予了回紋連綿不斷、吉利永長的吉祥寓意。二方連續的回紋可以呈現出整齊劃一的視覺效果,所以它常被用作間隔或 鎖邊圖案,而在織錦紋樣中出現的回紋通常是以四方連續的形式來進行組合的,俗稱“回回錦”。