
金樽映月,對酒迎新:加上 香蒜沙司金槍魚,香味脆皮肉,水果塔。

(2012-12-17 18:56:19) 下一個

又是年末,金樽映月,對酒迎新。祝大家聖誕新年快樂 !

香蒜 沙司金槍魚

材料 : 金槍魚 , 香蒜沙司 .

調料 : 鹽、黑胡椒、料酒

方法 : 1) 清洗金槍魚, 瀝水。 2) 混合 鹽、料酒、黑胡椒粉、將金槍魚在其中醃 15 分鍾。 3) 在鍋中煎至適中。 4) 將兩麵塗上香蒜沙司,即可食。



主料 : 豬腩 (五花肉)

輔料 : 薑、蔥、五辣粉 , 黑胡椒粉、大蒜粉、鹽

方法 : 1) 切薑、蔥。 2) 放五花肉、薑、蔥在鍋裏,加一些冷水 , 高溫煮沸 , 中熱再煮 30 分鍾 .

3) 保溫 30 分鍾 , 取出豬肉涼水衝之 , 用刀來清皮表。

Methods: 1) Chop ginger, green onion. 2) Fill in the pot with some cold water, put in the pork belly, ginger and green onion, boil at high heat, after boiled, turn the heat to medium and cook for 30 min. 3) After 30 min, take out the pork and rinse under water, use a knife to clean the hairs on the skin. 4) Use some sharp tool to dig tiny hole on the pork skin. 5) Mix with: five spicy powder, black pepper powder, garlic powder, salt. 6) Spread the mixture to the pork skin. 7) Wrap the pork with foil paper with the skin opened on top 8) Pre-heat the oven to 400 oC and bake the pork about 30-40 min. 9) For more crisp result, broil at 400 oC for 2-4 min. Beware of burning because of different ovens. 10) After cool, cut and serve.



Fruit Tart Recipe

Sweet Pastry Crust : 1 1/2 cups (195 grams) all purpose flour, 1/8 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup(113 gram) unsalted butter, 1/4 cup(50 gram) granulated white sugar, 1 large egg. lightly beaten

Pastry cream: 1 1/4 cups(300 ml)milk, 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract, 3 large(60 gram) egg yolks,

1/4 cup(50 grams) granulated white sugar, 1/8 cup(20 grams) all purpose flour, 2 tablespoons(20 grams) cornstarch(corn flour), 3/4 tablespoon(10ml)liqueur(Grand Marnier, Brandy, Kirsch)(optional).

Apricot Glaze :(optional, I did not use it this time) 1/2 cup (120grams) apricot jam or preserves, 1 tablespoon water

Topping: 2-3 cups mixed fruit, such as raspberries, blackberries, kiwifruit, etc.


糕殼 : 1 又 1/2 杯 (195 克 ) 麵粉, 1/8 茶匙鹽, 1/2 杯 (113 克 ) 無鹽黃油, 1/4 杯 (50 克 ) 白糖, 1 個雞蛋

糕餡 : 1 1/4 杯牛奶 (300 毫升 ), 1 茶匙純香草精, 3 個蛋黃, 1/4 杯 (50 克 ) 白糖, 1/8 杯 (20 克 ) 麵粉, 2 大湯匙 (20 克 ) 玉米澱粉 ( 玉米麵粉 ), 3/4 湯匙 (10 毫升 ) 酒 ( 大其中、白蘭地、櫻桃酒 )( 可選 ). 澆頭 : 2 - 3 杯 - 水果 , 如樹莓、黑莓、獼猴桃等。

杏釉 :( 可選的 , 我沒有使用它這一次 ) 1/2 杯 (120 克 ) 杏醬.

1) Clean tuna with water and dry. 2) Mix salt , cooking wine, and black pepper, and marinate tuna for 15 min. 3) Light fry in a pan to medium , not well-done. 4), Spread the pesto sauce to both sides and serve.

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