
多倫多橄欖樹 (熱門博主)
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在網上查到,這花的中文名叫一品紅(學名:Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. et Kl.):灌木。根圓柱狀,極多分枝。莖直立,高1-3米,直徑1-4 厘米,無毛。葉互生,卵狀橢圓形、長橢圓形或披針形,綠色,邊緣全緣或淺裂或波狀淺裂,葉麵被短柔毛或無毛,葉背被柔毛;苞葉5-7枚,狹橢圓形,長3-7厘米,寬1-2厘米,通常全緣,極少邊緣淺波狀分裂,朱紅色。花序數個聚傘排列於枝頂;總苞壇狀,淡綠色,邊緣齒狀5裂,裂片三角形,無毛。蒴果,三棱狀圓形,平滑無毛。種子卵狀,灰色或淡灰色,近平滑;無種阜。花果期10月至次年4月。

原產中美洲,廣泛栽培於熱帶亞熱帶。中國絕大部分省區市均有栽培,常見於公園、植物園及溫室中,供觀賞。莖葉可入藥,有消腫的功效,可治跌打損傷。(概述圖片參考資料來源: [1]  )

它的英文名是 poinsettiaThe poinsettia (/p??n?s?ti?/ or /p??n?s?t?/)[1][2] (Euphorbia pulcherrima) (also known as Christmas Star) is a commercially important plant species of the diverse spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). The species is indigenous to Mexico. It is particularly well known for its red and green foliage and is widely used in Christmas floral displays. It derives its common English name from Joel Roberts Poinsett,[3] the first United States Minister to Mexico,[4] who introduced the plant to the US in 1825.(以上是聖誕花的來曆)

Euphorbia pulcherrima is a shrub or small tree, typically reaching a height of 0.6–4 metres (2–13 ft). The plant bears dark green dentateleaves that measure 7–16 centimetres (2.8–6.3 in) in length. The colored bracts—which are most often flaming red but can be orange, pale green, cream, pink, white, or marbled—are often mistaken for flower petals because of their groupings and colors, but are actually leaves.[5][6] The colors of the bracts are created through photoperiodism, meaning that they require darkness (12 hours at a time for at least five days in a row) to change color. At the same time, the plants require abundant light during the day for the brightest color.[7]

The flowers of the poinsettia are unassuming and do not attract pollinators. They are grouped within small yellow structures found in the center of each leaf bunch, and are called cyathia.[8]

The poinsettia is native to Mexico.[9] It is found in the wild in deciduous tropical forests at moderate elevations from southern Sinaloa down the entire Pacific coast of Mexico to Chiapas and Guatemala. It is also found in the interior in the hot, seasonally dry forests of GuerreroOaxaca, and Chiapas.[10] Reports of E. pulcherrima growing in the wild in Nicaragua and Costa Rica have yet to be confirmed by botanists。 (以上十聖誕花的描述)




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閱讀 ()評論 (12)
多倫多橄欖樹 回複 悄悄話 回複 '水沫' 的評論 : 那都花兒惹得禍:)
多倫多橄欖樹 回複 悄悄話 回複 '南島水鳥' 的評論 : 和你想法相似,你們南半球奇異花草就更多了。。。
多倫多橄欖樹 回複 悄悄話 回複 '南山鬆' 的評論 : 這個花好像就是為了聖誕節長的,很奇特!
水沫 回複 悄悄話 小樹現在真是花仙子了~~
南島水鳥 回複 悄悄話 我們這裏也有很多聖誕花。和你一樣我也從來沒買過它,主要是花花世界有很多選擇所以它尚沒在考慮購的排名內。: )
南山鬆 回複 悄悄話 以前家裏也有過,過節時挺有節日氣氛的。謝謝小樹分享,節日快樂!
多倫多橄欖樹 回複 悄悄話 回複 '喜清靜' 的評論 : 為了相同之處握手吧!
多倫多橄欖樹 回複 悄悄話 回複 '富春江南' 的評論 : 也算!是一種文化
喜清靜 回複 悄悄話 和小樹一樣,我是個植物迷,但從來也怎麽喜歡這個聖誕紅。而且,而且,我也是從小就不喜歡雞冠花呀。
富春江南 回複 悄悄話 謝分享介紹
多倫多橄欖樹 回複 悄悄話 回複 '曉青' 的評論 : 是的,給人喜悅感,附合聖誕節氣氛。
曉青 回複 悄悄話 這花兒以前養過,好養,一直好幾個月都好好的,好看喜興。