今天(Oct.31)美股大盤漲跌互見, 可以說是survive after disaster, 這個足以證明市場的hidden strength. 雖然早盤強勢fade out, 但是下午強勢拉起並非偶然. 60分鍾chart SPY連續5天在狹窄的箱體裏麵運行, MA8/20 convergence, RSI呈現higher low的局麵, 隻要RSI不破向上趨勢線, SPY不跌破140.68箱體下沿, 那麽周末newsletter中預測的短期上漲局麵就會在11月初產生. 否則將繼續向下運行完成C浪下跌的極限.
災後重建工作已經開始, 明顯會受益的板塊是housing and construction sector, leading stock是Home Depot (NYSE: HD), 今天上漲2.23%.
今天除了一如既往操作UPRO/SPXU, 另外操作個股MCP and AFG. 兩個今天都是典型洗盤局麵, 尤其是AFG的底部介入和收盤賣出可以作為經典案例. One chart (15min AFG) is better than thousands of words.
明日周四是11月開官之戰, 嚴密關注箱體下沿140.68會否突破, 不破則漲!!
AFG 15min chart
PS: 從Oct.21(周日)開始,我已經如期推出Free Weekly Newsletter (每周簡報), 目前策劃的主要內容是預測下周美股四個大盤(道指,標普,納指和中小盤)的走勢範圍和股指期貨交易策略,以後在收費升級版中將陸續推出強勢板塊研究, 突破股票關注, 看盤學習等。有興趣訂閱的朋友可以發新浪微博私信告訴我郵件地址。 (or Send me email with the subject ‘簡報訂閱’)
Disclaimer: I am not recommending investors to be bullish, bearish or neutral. This article is for informational purposes only and highlights stocks/funds one can consider in the event or anticipation of short-term volatility. Please note that it is absolutely not a recommendation to buy or sell any of the aforementioned assets.