
對於dividend的一些dates的理解 確保拿到紅利

(2013-10-12 15:14:04) 下一個



For public companies, there are several important dates regarding dividends. 這裏我就列舉我們要關心的dates。

In-dividend date - One trading day before the ex-dividend date, existing holders and anyone who buys the stock on this day will receive the dividend, whereas any holders selling the stock lose their right to the dividend.

Ex-dividend date - (typically 2 trading days before the record date for U.S. securities) is the day on which all shares bought and sold no longer come attached with the right to be paid(除權日). Existing holders of the stock will receive the dividend even if they now sell the stock, whereas anyone who now buys the stock will not receive the dividend. It is relatively common for a stock's price to decrease on the ex-dividend date by an amount roughly equal to the dividend paid. 這天stock price 會減去dividend amount。

Record date - Shareholders registered in the stockholders of record on or before the date of record will receive the dividend. Shareholders who are not registered as of this date will not receive the dividend. Registration in most countries is essentially automatic for shares purchased before the ex-dividend date.

Payment date - is the day when the dividend will actually be mailed to the shareholders or credited to brokerage accounts.

Edited from the source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dividend

從上麵我的理解是:要想拿到紅利,在ex-dividend date前一天你得本來就有股票,或者你買股票。要拿到紅力,兩個dates你必須要有股票:

exdividend date的前一天

record date (這一天是register 誰有股票)

關於record date,很多公司自動用exdividend date的前一天,也就是這兩個重要的日子在一天裏,你隻要hold through exdividend date這一天就可以拿紅利了。但也有公司的record date和exdividend date前一天不在一天裏,一般exdividend date is typically 2 trading days before the record date for U.S. securities。那麽你就得從exdividend date的前一天有股票並拿到record date 結束才可以得到紅利。

這次我在 10/8/2013買入一個公司的股票,發現第二天就是exdividend date。放狗查了下,該公司的record date是10/11/2013,和exdividend date 不在一天裏,所以我得拿住過了10/11/2013才可以得到紅利。這是我看了幾篇文章得出的結論。我應該沒有理解錯吧?

對於dividend的一些dates的理解 確保拿到紅利

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