王利民 民聲 Limin Wang People's Voice

我來自毛共社會農民家庭,成長、自立、成家階段偏逢特色共產黨越發走資,在美國漂泊二十年,最近還遭遇工傷謀害謀殺。我認識到,光靠個人的辛勤是改變不了製度給個人注定的命運,必須同時通過個人的努力去改變製度和社會Limin Wang, People's Voice

President Trump, Please denounce impeachment!

(2021-01-14 13:42:59) 下一個

President Trump, Please denounce impeachment!
by Limin Wang
Jan. 14, 2021

President Trump will make more (video) announcements, as I think, before the time mark of Jan. 20, 2021. President Trump would necessarily clarify that it's a PRIVILEGE to be supported by so many PEOPLE as their President via their EXERTION OF RIGHTS, including their RIGHTS to elect their President; and by CONSTITUTION and law, PEOPLE are FREE MEN OF FREE THOUGHTS AND OWN ACTIONS, ie, not brainwashed or enslaved by President Trump or anyone else presumably. They share the same cause: A fair and square system on matters! including the matter of the 2020
presidential election. Congress ATTACKS not only the Protesters but also the President, not only on their specific words and actions of Jan. 06, 2021 but also GENERAL EVERYTHING ELSE. If the opponents think going inside the Capitol to protest the COUNTING ceremony was wrong, then what about the BLM demonstrations? and what about the persecutions and suppressions on all aspects at all levels after the Jan. 06, 2021 Capitol Incident? The People's House is kind of Pelosi's House, then and now. Pelosi tells not only Pres Trump, but also VP Pence, but also THE People, but also other Congress Members, what's permissible or disallowed. Pelosi is the acting Commander in Chef now reviewing National Guards in front of Capitol. Don't mess with Pelosi. I mean Madame Speaker Nancy Pelosi. In short words, the President stands arm-in-arm with the Protesters, as a Protestor too. NEITHER the Protesters NOR the President should be punished on their FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION on SERIOUS MATTERS, by statute or by case law of what happened in the
BLM demonstrations.

Along the way in the future, probably in the near feature, Trump is the winner of the 2020 presidential election dispute and the 2nd impeachment. The U.S.A. Congress is the REAL DICATATOR OF
CRUEL DICATATORSHIP. An impeachment is supposed to be a trial, right? Look at what kind of fucking TRIAL the USA Congress REPRESENTS. RULE OF LAW SHOULD NOT BE REPRESENTED BY SUCH A SHAM AND SHAME AND CRIME BODY.

Trump, interested in starting a business of Trump FOOD nationwide? so you can help the American farmers and the city dwellers. Please help me get my food to my table if you think I am helpful.

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王利民 回複 悄悄話 選舉爭議才充分體現美國體係的邪惡和欺詐。美國所謂的真相和公正怎麽個來法?還靠科技和媒體來扼製對方不能駁辯!這種流氓體係難道要通過武力、腐蝕推廣到全球?川普總統,你手裏還有王炸牌嗎?趕緊打出來王炸牌,要一直窩著手裏就王炸都老爛了。聽新聞說川普總統昨天星期五跟一個枕頭大亨談華盛頓水坑戒嚴的事,難道是在軍費幾個trillion之上還要買2萬5千套枕頭和行軍睡袋給Pelosi國會軍團或稱JB近衛軍?
王利民 回複 悄悄話 回複 '哈德遜河畔的茶館' 的評論 : 美國體係是靠武力在維持國際和國內“秩序”,從川普這個美國總統和廣大追隨者的遭遇可以看出來美國的殘暴和欺詐的真實本質了吧。
王利民 回複 悄悄話 回複 '哈德遜河畔的茶館' 的評論 : 你如果在美國社會生活過,親身經曆過事情,你就會知道這個自我標榜為民主自由燈塔的政商勾結體係是多麽的黑暗腐敗殘暴。
哈德遜河畔的茶館 回複 悄悄話 一個靠國民選票贏的總統,不應該怕成這樣!Trump 2020!