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評Dr. Scott Atlas請辭總統防疫顧問
Dr. Scott Atlas說戴口罩防疫新冠無效。戴口罩本來就沒用,反倒有害。口鼻不但需要進氧氣,還有排廢氣,還要排熱排濕!如果真是長期捂緊口罩,那個帶的人的呼吸係統肯定不出幾天就會出問題;如果不捂緊口罩,所謂帶口罩保護自己甚至或保護別人免於新冠簡直就是自欺欺人卻被陰謀者操控得“心理”感覺良好。要求全民帶口罩防疫所謂的新冠病毒本來就是現實版“皇帝的新裝”係統詐騙局。看看美國、全世界快一年來的所謂新冠死亡“統計”數據線,一直都幾乎是直線,那直線的意思是從來沒有所謂的爆發期(spikes),那直線意味著如果死亡數是真實的,那麽真實的死亡原因可能是各種各樣的,包括很少數人直接真的因新冠病毒而死亡,包括一些被醫務人員疏忽或故意弄死的。能秉持確切事實敢逆滾滾下流而上者,很少很少有人能做到,其中一個原因是這樣的逆流者也得想辦法不被滾滾下流之輩所人吃人而滅亡。全球幾十億人,每年因各種原因要死半億到一億 (tens of millions) 之間的人,所以要從這些死亡人員裏歸咎於新冠病毒,多麽容易有屍體充數。
"You wouldn’t go to a podiatrist for a heart attack, and that was essentially what was happening."
Scientificly, even this sentence sounds good to a lay person, it may not sound so good to a "knowledgeable" "professional". For example, what if a "physician" you think is a cardiologist would not give you any clue or information but refers you to a podiatrist to just provide the "evidence" to the insurance or the liable that the problem is rooted in the patient's foot, according to the "edivence" accepted by such a PHONY system. In my injury case, the vicious system referred me to psychiatrists or ordered me for an IME rendered by a "psychiatrist" "Dr. Robert S. April", which was showing the "professional" ways attempting to manipulate victim's mentality!
Back to the topic of Dr. Scott Atlas, President Trump IS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT to enlist Dr. Scott Atlas, recognized as a neuroradiologist, to the COVID-19 Task Force. Dr. Celine Gounder, and many mainstream media, you really do not know why you are laughable? Let me give you a clue, what are the so-called symptoms of COVID-19 patients? You can not just claim whether it's a COVID-19 positive or COVID-19 sick by your view and mouth and pen and possibly keystrokes. A radiologist can verify whether the respiratory system is really affected by technology such as CT and MRI honestly applied. What some "life-saving" medical professionals have claimed? they want COVID-19 over all the SPECTRUM of health issues. For example, the so-called WCB-authoried physicians would use any nurse as a physician and then try to frame my injures on COVID-19. Why such "medical professionals" under such a phony system are not EVIL?