王利民 民聲 Limin Wang People's Voice

我來自毛共社會農民家庭,成長、自立、成家階段偏逢特色共產黨越發走資,在美國漂泊二十年,最近還遭遇工傷謀害謀殺。我認識到,光靠個人的辛勤是改變不了製度給個人注定的命運,必須同時通過個人的努力去改變製度和社會Limin Wang, People's Voice

Let We The People COUNT

(2020-12-03 15:03:09) 下一個

Let We The People COUNT
by Limin Wang
Dec. 03, 2020, Thu

Online news boils. The Military Times carries such:

[Calling former Vice President Joe Biden’s Nov. 3 victory over Trump “fraudulent,” the Ohio-based “We The People Convention” took out a full-page ad in the Washington Times on Tuesday urging Trump to “immediately declare a limited form of Martial Law, and temporarily suspend the Constitution and civilian control of these federal elections, for the sole purpose of having the military oversee a re-vote.”

The organization called for the revote to include only registered voters with photo IDs, to be limited to only paper ballots, to be hand counted and with members of both Democrat and Republican parties observing.

“Unfortunately, we are at the point where we can only trust our military to do this because our corrupt political class and courts have proven their inability to act fairly and within the law,” the group argued.]

[Retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn promoted that exact idea Tuesday evening when he tweeted a press release from an Ohio-based conservative political organization.]

I, as a net-user and a commoner, agree that year 2020 is very unique, and it would be insane to simply call former VP Mr. Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 presidential race under such many widespread accusations of "ELECTION FRAUD" or "SYSTEMIC FRAUD", instead of individual "voter fraud". So plenty of evidence has been shown. That the state and local administrative, judicial, and probably even legislative branches have refused to EXAMINE the matter and FACE the already presented evidence would only DEMONSTRATE to the whole world and the American people what a DO-NOTHING-RIGHT phony system it is. What President Trump has promoted last night on TV is fair and square to We The People, and the two Candidates: Verify and count the LEGAL votes, and decide the winner fair and square. If Former VP Mr. Joe Biden had really won over 80 millions votes, then why the Democrats side fear a VERIFICATION and recount of the ballots, particularly of the mail-in-ballots by both envelopes and ballots? A commoner's life does not matter to such a system, and now a presidential election does not matter either?

If the MASSIVE mail-in-votes have created such a huge MESS, then it is a very excellent alternative to hold an open and in-person SPECIAL ELECTION for the next President. "In America, nothing is impossible." Why such a special election is not impossible?

I would opine that the SPECIAL ELECTION be held as voting in-person by registered voters, with strict voter id verification, IDENTIFICATION-TRACKABLE paper ballots only, machine tabulation first, collection in temporal order into organized bundles/boxes within each pollsite, and then INDEPENDENT manual tabulation while keeping the ORIGINAL ballots order, and finally cross-examination between machine and manual tabulations. Why the Democrats and probably Mr. Joe Biden would fear if they really had won over 80 million votes in the 11/03/2020 general election to declare Mr. Joe Biden the President-Elect? Let We The People COUNT in an open and verifiable way, so if Mr. Joe Biden really has won, Mr. Joe Biden wins really, with no doubt left behind. If Trump has really won, it should not be Mr. Joe Biden's disgrace to lose an election. Let We The People COUNT. Regardless of the eventual outcome, both presidential candidates would have made historic contribution to the American History by wanting a fair and square verifiable open election.

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閱讀 ()評論 (6)
王利民 回複 悄悄話 If nation-wise special election is too much or unnecessary, how about special election in contested states?
王利民 回複 悄悄話 When I write up the complete draft of The Pursuit of Justice, any readers interested in real life facts may agree what a CORRUPT and MURDEROUS EVIL SYSTEM, not merely a few individuals, it is in the New York State, in the New York City.
王利民 回複 悄悄話 I have politic stand. Cowardly human-scums again and again harm me, my family, and repetitively carry out attempted murders on me. I am a hero on my own, living as a hero, and dying as a hero.
王利民 回複 悄悄話 回複 '白手套' 的評論 : It's a SHAMELESS cheating system so diagonally opposite to what it propogandas. Stuff like you is the real nobody or nothing or only something like dead voters, because you dare not even post with your real name.
王利民 回複 悄悄話 回複 '白手套' 的評論 : Do not put your words as mine, and do not frame your drug-addiction as mine. Murderous fraudsters, you will be taken down. The state terrorism happened on me can not be get away without retribution!
白手套 回複 悄悄話 We The People chose Joe Biden as our next President, get over it. Stop snorting drugs, it’s bad for ya.