王利民 民聲 Limin Wang People's Voice

我來自毛共社會農民家庭,成長、自立、成家階段偏逢特色共產黨越發走資,在美國漂泊二十年,最近還遭遇工傷謀害謀殺。我認識到,光靠個人的辛勤是改變不了製度給個人注定的命運,必須同時通過個人的努力去改變製度和社會Limin Wang, People's Voice

NYS WCB Case# G2029240: What Actual Information IS Provided to t

(2020-11-25 21:06:01) 下一個

NYS WCB Case# G2029240: What Actual Information IS Provided to the USA Legal
System by Professionals
Nov. 25, 2020, Wed
by Limin Wang

According to the NYS WCB's eCase Folder of this WCB Case# G2029240, the employer/carrier's COVERT defense law firm Jones | Jones, LLC had electronicly sent a one-page affidavit to NYS WCB presumably claiming JJ had done with the legal service to "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh". Contemporary history witnesses, please, check such low image quality of the so-called legal DOCUMENT in a NYS WCB legal system. Also, WHY NYS WCB did not directly send a hearing notice to the questionable "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh"? Why the SYSTEM fails to demonstrate its POWER to hold THE POWERS ACCOUNTABLE even on matters as simple as mailing "attempts"?
(Note: When I convert the file to image, for whatever reason, it's a multimega size, and I am glad this website would allow attachment of large-sized images. When this online post is shown in my browser, the image's quality is the SAME low to that of the Jones | Jones original.)

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王利民 回複 悄悄話 I updated this post on Dec. 01, 2020. Now the blackish image on this webpage looks even a little more legible than the original file on NYS WCB eCase Folder sourced from the defense side's Jones | Jones, LLC.