王利民 民聲 Limin Wang People's Voice

我來自毛共社會農民家庭,成長、自立、成家階段偏逢特色共產黨越發走資,在美國漂泊二十年,最近還遭遇工傷謀害謀殺。我認識到,光靠個人的辛勤是改變不了製度給個人注定的命運,必須同時通過個人的努力去改變製度和社會Limin Wang, People's Voice

NYS WCB Case# G2029240: WCB Claims \'Review of deposition of Dr.

(2020-11-13 19:00:44) 下一個

NYS WCB Case# G2029240: WCB Claims "Review of deposition of Dr. Uh"

Nov. 13, 2020, Friday

by Limin Wang

[The following is what I emailed in a response to the NYS WCB notice mail I got today about their schemed Dec. 01, 2020, 9:00 a.m. "hearing". Since the March 27, 2020 "hearing", the NYS WCB Judge Mr. Lucky Enobakhare and the defendant's COVERT law firm Jones | Jones, LLC woman Ms. Dana Sabghir were cooking up the "telephonic deposition" from "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" during a hearing. WCLJ Mr. Lucky Enobakhare played his role in fabricating many things as facts in his decisions, such as stating the claimant was absent while I made the incoming call to NYS WCB but did not receive their call to me at all on March 27, 2020, such as Mr. Lucky Enobakhare didn't recognize the 100% temporary disability rate clearly written on the "medical reports" provided by "treating" physician but stated "partial disability" in his decisions and made the ONE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS PER WEEK COMPENSATION RATE. NYS WCB did NOT include "Dr. Robert S. April" in the official notice for the July 24, 2020 "telephonic deposition" hearing or RSA's professional telephonic bullshit in the official decision of the 07/24/2020 hearing, but Dr. Robert S. April was professionally spewing his bullshit during the 07/24/2020 hearing and asked for $450 for that kind of show of ~15 minutes at the most. NYS WCB did not send "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" a copy of the official notices for his "telephonic deposition", and did not include in the  Oct. 02, 2020 hearing's decision the fact it took more than half an hour for Mr. Lucky Enobakhare to try multiple phone #s before a voice (presumed to be "BSU") appeared and claimed he didn't work at New York Medical & Diagnostic Center any more and could NOT made a deposition during the Oct. 02, 2020 hearing.  NYS WCB decision of the Oct. 02, 2020 hearing seemed to have a copy for "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh". While the Oct. 02, 2020 hearing decision includes sentences such as "The carrier to subpoena Dr. Uh to testify on 12/1/20 at 9.00 AM", "Dr. Uh to be ready to testify with the claimant's medical reports regarding causal relationship to the neck and left elbow", etc, it also carries the phrase "review of deposition of Dr. Uh". And the official notice now states the PURPOSE of the Dec. 01, 2020 hearing as "Review of deposition of Dr. Uh, question on additional sites of injury to neck and left elbow and up to date medical report." As some people claim other people should trust the system, these some people in the system have actually demonstrated endless murderous cruelty and shameless corruption. These some people would tell a sitting U.S.A. President so, so they think how the hell I can not follow such a system. I would rather trust there may still be some people in the world having some courage to fight against the EVIL SYSTEM.]

November 13, 2020, Fri

NYS WCB, and TPA CCMSI Ms. White,

The NYS WCB even makes plays on the documents. I received the upcoming Dec. 01, 2020 "Virtual Hearings" notice, and now it claims this hearing's PURPOSE as "Review of deposition of Dr. Uh, question on additional sites of injury to neck and left elbow and up to date medical report."  NYS WCB had set up the series of failed "TELEPHONIC deposition" from the FAKE "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" while NYS WCB most of the times didn't even send a copy of the notice mails to "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" while the COVERT defense law firm Jones | Jones LLC kept claiming difficulty in setting up a telephonic deposition during a cross-examination hearing. After almost a full year of such CIRCUS law performance, now the NYS WCB notice claims "Review of deposition of Dr. Uh"! If such a murderous coward person as a "treating" physician can not take on even a telephonic cross-examination, what the fuck it needed so many months of extra waiting about a regular "deposition"? Also, where is the "deposition" from "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" in the eCase Folder as of Nov. 13, 2020? Now NYS WCB claims delay in document processing on the eCase program. I need a copy of such "deposition" from that imposter "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" sufficiently ahead of the Dec. 01, 2020 hearing to well CONFRONT all the humanscums' lies and murder-attempts.
The STATE TERRORISTS had already exposed their own EVIL in their first decision (03/16/2018) of the first hearing on March 12, 2018, and it's the NYS WCB made the exclusion of neck and the radiculopathy site left elbow in the established injury sites. Also, in that decision (03/16/2018) it DIDN'T include a copy to the "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" while citing the "medical report" of "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" for the dispute of neck and left elbow. Look at the eCase Folder, the first "medical report" which may be claimed to be generated or filed by "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" was only shown in April 2018, after I had already filed an appeal to NYS WCB about PART of the 03/16/2018 decision.
Talk about the so-called "up to date medical report", it's the "treating" physician's responsibility to file the "medical reports" directly to NYS WCB, and it's the NYS WCB's sole power to show or not show the "medical reports". How and what the Jones | Jones LLC woman showed up a "medical report" from a "treating physician" Alfred Steinberger about my April 03, 2019 visit on the April 05, 2019 hearing in front of WCL Judge Mr. Lucky Enobakhare? 
You think such a STATE TERRORISM EVIL SYSTEM can ruin me this way again and again and again, endlessly until I die. My pursuit of justice is to tell the whole world what a murderous evil system the NYS Workers' Compensation is. The evil system has to control the media and me the victim, otherwise, there are some people interested in reading such unorthodox reality about the New York State system.
Very Truly Yours,
Limin Wang 
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王利民 回複 悄悄話 The "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" I saw for a few medical visits was not the "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" online, although the same NPI was connected to Dr. BSU. The "Dr. Mitchell L. Kaphan", always covered in a mask and rarely talking even when I asked him, did not seem to be the "Dr. Mitchell L. Kaphan" online. And Googling found an "information" that "Dr. Mitchell L. Kaphan" died in March 2019. I saw "Dr. Mitchell L. Kaphan" only a few times, but the NYS WCB had NUMEROUS "medical reports" listed with him as the medical provider in the eCase Folder. New York Medical & Diagnostic Center seems to be a slaughter place for New York injured workers under the New York State Workers' Compensation system. A lot of evil things happened at NYMDC (80-46 Kew Gardens Rd, Kew Gardens, NY 11415).