王利民 民聲 Limin Wang People's Voice

我來自毛共社會農民家庭,成長、自立、成家階段偏逢特色共產黨越發走資,在美國漂泊二十年,最近還遭遇工傷謀害謀殺。我認識到,光靠個人的辛勤是改變不了製度給個人注定的命運,必須同時通過個人的努力去改變製度和社會Limin Wang, People's Voice

NYS WCB G2029240: My Way of Living on Oct. 01, 2020

(2020-10-01 12:00:16) 下一個

NYS WCB G2029240: My Way of Living on Oct. 01, 2020

by Limin Wang

October 1st, 2020

October 1st, 2020, or 10/01/2020, looks to be an auspicious date, and it is the 71st anniversary of the still "Communist" China's National Day and happens to be the Mid-Autumn Festival day this year. My observance of these special days is to LOOK FORWARD to what THEY STAND FOR, by publicizing two emails out of my recent interactions with New York government agencies and a "treating" clinic on my serious injuries sustained from a series of premeditated and coordinated murder-attempts.

[This first email replies to NYS government agencies.]

Sept. 28, 2020, Monday

Honorable NYCourts, Queens DA's Office, Ms. Melinda Katz, Housing and Worker Protection Bureau, Mr. William Jorgenson, Mr. Mike Albanesi,

I received a postal mail on Sept. 25, 2020, Fri, from Queens District Attorney's Office. The inside one-page letter prints that Mr. William Jorgenson appears to be the sender. While the letter itself is dated Sept. 14, 2020, the envelope postmark states Sept. 23, 2020.
The full paragraph reads as follows in quotes:
"Please be advised that this office will not be perusing criminal charges at this time. Although there is reason to believe that some wrongdoing may have occurred in this case, our investigation revealed insufficient evidence to meet our burden of proof in a criminal case at this time. If, in the future, evidence of criminal acts is discovered, this office will review the matter again at that time."
I happened to notice that the word "perusing" is spelt the way it is in the letter, not as I first interpretted as "persuing".
The letter doesn't specify what investigation has been done and what evidence has been obtained by the Queens DA's Office. At least, I don't think that I the victim/complainant have even been properly contacted by any law enforcement agency. The Precinct 109 police were threatening me to leave, leaving alone to file a police report; Queens DA seemed to have contacted me, but the several incoming phones were ALL ANONYMOUS calls, and the phone sound quality was often CRACKY. This postal mail seems to be authentic from Queens DA's Office, but it could also be a counterfeit or fraud. The message indicates it has not shut completely close the door to me yet, but what further investigation on this DITS#12200075 is in the plan? My injured body has not been honestly or properly diagnosed or properly treated by the Workers' Compensation system, and my injured life can not survive such negligence if no intentionality from the government agencies. If the found truth is that I am a victim of government terrorism, then it may be my futile attempts to seek the government's investigation and punishment on perpetrators of murder-attempts.
I will try to list out some major specific facts after their scheduled Oct. 02, 2020, 9:00 am - 10:30 am telephonic deposition from the "treating" doctor Benjamin Uh. No justice or integrity is expected from my opponents. I hope my cell phone, recently powering itself off frequently unpredictably during my usual usage, will work normally during the Oct. 02, 2020 telephonic hearing, otherwise the NYS Workers' Compensation Board would once again decide my "absence". Such is not a fiction story.
Very Truly Yours,
Limin Wang
Injured Worker/Patient/Victim

[The second email responses to NYCMNO's mishandling of the RAW DATA and the medical reports direct submission.]

Oct. 01, 2020, Thu,

Dr. Mehrdad Golzad, Ms. Faselis Mena, NYS WCB, 
I have been asking for the RAW DATA/FIGURES of the March 05, 2018 BATTERY of tests with electronic gears and the March 15, 2018 EEG&EKG test for a long time and many times. During my Sept. 24, 2020, Thu, medical visit to the Suite 601 office, I was given an orange envelope with FIVE printed sheets, and only ONE sheet shows with such raw data (one table of data, and one panel of two wave-figures), which is titled as "Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential". The sheet of "Computerized Dynamic Posturography" has four numbers as raw data carried along with the sentences. Nothing else of any RAW DATA/FIGURES about the BATTERY of tests done on March 05, 2018. There still is NO original wave-figures or analyzed wave-figures or numbers about the March 15, 2018 EEG&EKG test. 
Also, by my recent access to NYS WCB eCase G2029240 on Sept. 23, 29, and 30, I still have NOT seen any direct submission of the "Medical Reports" of since Feb. 2019 by New York City Medical & Neurological Office to have been shown on NYS WCB eCase G2029240.
The perpetrators of this series of premeditated and coordinated murder-attempts on my life think the SYSTEM has all the POWER to torture and murder-attempt and kill me.
Very Truly Yours,
Limin Wang
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