王利民 民聲 Limin Wang People's Voice

我來自毛共社會農民家庭,成長、自立、成家階段偏逢特色共產黨越發走資,在美國漂泊二十年,最近還遭遇工傷謀害謀殺。我認識到,光靠個人的辛勤是改變不了製度給個人注定的命運,必須同時通過個人的努力去改變製度和社會Limin Wang, People's Voice

Salute to General Qassem Soleimani

(2020-01-03 13:09:57) 下一個

Salute to General Qassem Soleimani

by Limin Wang

Jan. 03, 2020


According to the online news, Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, together with a top Iraqi commander and about a dozen of other important personnel, died in Baghdad on Jan.03, 2020, due to the American top commanders issued assassination. No doubt, General Soleimani died as a hero deep into a war zone due to the spread-out wars in the Middle East. It's so clear that some warring sides have been using whatever means, including assassination and murder, to achieve their goals. 

If a war can simply be decided by the weapons and resources, then you know the importance of developing your own means. Anyway, the history tells that an apparently mighty but actually corrupt adversary can even be brought down. Now, the war on many fronts would become more open in the Middle East, and could elevate further toward a World War III.

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