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Twitter Account @liminwang13 Was Locked, then I Permanently Abandon It.永久放棄twitter賬號@liminwang13聲明
by Limin Wang 王利民
Apr. 1st, 2019 不愚節
On March 27, 2019, I signed up a twitter account, and set the following as My Bio:
Real person, real name, Limin Wang, residing at 136-09 59th Ave, Flushing, New York 11355, living by real life experiences in the real world, seeking justice...
The procedure then assigned me an account @liminwang13, but immediately locked it. That screen is attached in this post. I do not want to follow that way to set up such an account, but there is no easy way to deactivate the twitter account by myself, so I announce here that the @liminwang13 is permanently abandoned by me. If some tweet comes out from the @liminwang13 account, it is DEFINITELY NOT tweeted by me, the original account holder Limin Wang.
注冊過程給我一個@liminwang13的賬號名,並立即封殺該賬號。即時屏幕附帶於此貼。我不想那樣開設這個賬號,卻又沒有辦法自己消除該推特賬號,因此我在此公告此@liminwang13賬號被我永久放棄。如有推文從此@liminwang13發出,那 絕對不是 我這個原注冊者王利民所發。