
if you fair unfailrly dismissed by your employer

(2012-03-06 10:51:00) 下一個
Do you believe that you have been wrongfully dismissed as a result of racial discrimination? Have you been intimidated by the court system or the human rights tribunal after being wrongfully dismissed? Do you find it is difficult to find evidence to support your claim? How could a lawyer assist you with the claim?
Payne Law Professional Corporation的管理主任和高級出庭律師Yan David Payne表示:“雇主在解雇你的時候一般不會說因為你是一名華裔、或因你有六個月身孕,但即使在在缺乏明顯證據前提下,經常處理這類事件的法庭或者人權仲裁庭會做出判決。”
“It is very rare that an employer would tell you that you are terminated because you are of Chinese decent, or because you are six-months pregnant, but the court system or the human rights tribunal, which deals with these issues regularly, would make a finding under the circumstances that the very expressed evidence is missing in a claim,” said Yan David Payne, a managing director and senior trial lawyer with Payne Law Professional Corporation.
平等工資仲裁聽證會第一任會長,具有30年訴訟經驗的就業法律師Beth Symes在接受《大中報》采訪時表示,傳統的歧視方式現在已經不存在了,而代之以更為巧妙、間接的手段。
Old-fashioned forms of discrimination may no longer exist, and be replaced by more subtle indirect ones, said Beth Symes, the first Chair of the Pay Equity Hearings Tribunal and an employment lawyer with 30 years of litigation experience, told Chinese News in an interview.
Symes表示:“在我所處理的非正當解雇案件中,也許隻有千分之一的雇主會直接告訴雇員其遭解雇原因同其種族背景有關。”“Maybe only in one in a thousand wrongful dismissal cases I have dealt with would an employer tell an employee directly that he or she is fired because of the employee’s ethnic background,” said Symes.
Payne表示, 懷孕六個月時被解雇的雇員可以提供的證據包括從未收到警告信,具有較長的雇傭曆史等,法庭或者仲裁庭的判決會根據解雇發生於雇員處於最不利的工作狀態、且在一定時期內很難找到工作這一事實。An employee who was fired while 6-months pregnant may present evidence such as no warning letter ever received, the lengthy employment history, etc. and the court or the tribunal may make a judgment based on the fact that the termination happened at the time that the employee was very vulnerable and unlikely to find a job within a certain period of time, said Payne.
Symes表示,“這種情形下,需要雇員善於巧妙地組織案件,精心舉證。很多案件雖然表麵顯得公平,但事實上卻會給少數族裔或土著居民帶來不利的影響。”“Employees under such circumstances should be very sophisticated to frame and formulate the cases, many of which may appear neutral on the surface, but have an adverse impact on ethnic minorities or aboriginal people.
“比如指控雇主對某一少數族裔的刻意歧視可以通過統計數據來證明,比如,申請該公司的華裔申請人數比該公司雇傭華裔員工人數高出十倍之多等。”“For example, a claim against an employer deliberately discriminating against a certain ethnic minority could be backed up by statistics, such as the proportion of Chinese applicants to a company being ten times higher than the Chinese employees hired,” said Symes.
再比如,房東要求租房申請者所將支付的房租額不超過其收入的30%,這一規則看起來對所有房客都很正常,沒有涉及到他們的族裔問題,然而經過25天的聆詢,統計學家和專家作證,法院判決這一規定對那些弱勢的群體,比如單親母親、年輕群體、年輕家長、加拿大新移民、難民等群體並不公平,因為他們的收入非常有限。A rule of a landlord stating that applicants who would pay more than 30% of income on their rent are not qualified as tenants appears neutral to all tenant applicants, regardless of their ethnicity. However, it has been proved in court -- through 25 days of hearing where statisticians and expert witnesses testified -- that this rule had an adverse impact on equality-seeking groups, such as single mothers, youth, young parents, newcomers to Canada, and refugee claimants who have very limited income, said Symes.
Symes表示,律師在這類案件中絕對可對弱勢群體提供幫助,比如遊說政府和管理機構、呼籲及建議他們改進當前法律係統。And a lawyer definitely can help to formulate the case, provide strategic advice on lobbying government and regulatory authorities to advocate changes to the currently system, said Symes.
In Ontario, there is an overlap between the court system and the Ontario Human Rights Commission to process a racial discrimination case, and additional damages could be sought against employers who violated human rights codes such as making gender based comments or racially discriminating against employees.
Starting July 1, complaints filed to the Human Rights Commission should be filed directly to the Human Rights Tribunal, which will speed up the process and save costs.
In a claim filed to the Superior Court of Ontario, where a Canadian auto maker were found not accommodating the employees’ disabilities, the judge extended the reasonable notice period for a month, and rewarded punitive damages of $500,000, which was reduced by the Ontario Court of Appeal to $100,000.
Although not required, a lawyer can benefit complainants to the Human Rights Tribunal by providing advice such as adding an important document to the claim, which may avoid the limitation of the entitlement, said Payne.
Payne, who indicated that legal costs are expensive for both employers and employees, told Chinese News that 95% of wrongful dismissal cases his firm has handled were settled through mediation process within 5 months, with a very small percentage of cases going to trial.
“Employers are generally under the pressure of the employee-side-lawyer to settle the case, when taking considerations of the legal cost and the ultimate trial judgment to the employee,” said Payne.
Currently, terminated employees are entitled to the statutory notice from employers regulated provincially, under the minimum requirements of the Ministry of Labor, and the reasonable notice under the common law, which could be significantly higher than the minimum requirements, according to Payne.
The Ontario Bar Association (OBA) Task Force on Wrongful Dismissal (the “task force”) is seeking recommendations to simplify the process on wrongful dismissal cases, which may include amending the ESA to mandate reasonable notice or increase the minimum statutory notice, which was strongly supported by Symes.
Payne, with many clients of Mandarin Chinese speakers, told Chinese News that quite often, the client’s matters involve language issues, which prevent them from communicating well with either the court or the employer, and that his firm handles a range of cases, from sexual harassment or racial discrimination, to employees being taken advantaged of.
“We have very diverse law schools in Ontario, where students have different ethnic backgrounds and speak a variety of languages, as compared with the profession. Although it may take some time, I believe there will be more Chinese-speaking lawyers serving the community on wrongful dismissal cases,” said Symes.
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