
跟 unavail 談

(2012-03-17 11:26:41) 下一個
涼亭 發表評論於
unavail 你崇拜薄, 我更崇拜袁騰飛老師。因為他是平常小人。去看看他的講課吧。 他有一句話很適合老兄。 就是跟很多極端愛國者無法溝通。

我承認你愛國,不需要verify,但是公正就是所有的人都應該平等對待。 你知道多少薄的內幕。如果薄真的那麽廉潔。我也投他一票。就是有政治野心也無所謂。 但是, 正是因為他也假公濟私,用權利打壓一方,支持一方,而對權利的渴望大於做人民公仆的本職。我才瞧不起他。鄙視他。 就像我鄙視老毛的後半生一樣。

老兄更不能用五十步笑百步看其他政界要員。 他們也同樣有罪。 曆史回來見證這一切。我們國家需要的是一部 無一例外都去執行的法典。 讓法來治國。 而不是黨來治國。 任何人犯了法都一視同仁。這樣才能轉變中國的專政局麵。

我更討厭那些做麵子工程的領導。 你回國去蘇州看看吧。那裏的變化也是不可思議的。 但是沒有打黑唱紅這些花花腸子。 事業是讓人體會的不是給人看外表的。

unavail 發表評論於
// like ai weiwei, if he is the right guy(s) for our home country or chongqi to say the least (30 million people. people in chongqi like him. like when wheather is heating, he organized all the possible resources to release the burden for all city people, not to mention all facets of work and life concerns or perplexions in his leadership or management domain or territary), we can donate to cover this. 30 million people x YMB3-4 less than $0.5.

// if you study more, you will find he is the right guy(s) for our home country at this time and moment, though there is still much room for him to improve in order to do a better job.

上億 資產
poor unavail,

老哥居然用寫信方式回答我的回信. 我們都是凡人,不會對政局有任何影響,但是都希望自由,平等,博愛在中國大地降臨.



unavail 發表評論於
Dear Friend,

I respect your opinion. No offense.

However, I do know a lot way above average people as the top place i came from.

China is still not a land people can work and live freedom.

That is why, we are willing to spend our free time to trumpet the bright future for our home country, though we no longer need to worry for ourselves if china is poor, hunger, or tyrany, or if it is issuing food/meat/clothe/etc stamp again.

Thanks for your kind and generous sharing. Take care.


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