
心知所見皆幻影, 敢以耳目煩神工 。。。

仍在黑暗中孑孓潛行 - Radiohead [搖滾樂隊]

(2010-07-02 21:32:41) 下一個

--   2008-12-29

進到“ Radiohead ”的官方網站,眼花繚亂,到處是色彩和字樣的組合,茫然不得北時點開 Space 的屏視 - Dead Air Space ,很有創意。。。

Radiohead 一直在實驗各種搖滾音符,憂鬱的、頹廢的、優雅的、深沉的、憤青的,無病呻吟的,有病呻吟的,,,每一次突破,都帶來下一次創新的期望。

1992 年,發行第一首單曲 "CREEP" 評為年度的英倫最佳單曲之一。這首歌被認為是一首關於疏離的讚美詩,歌詞充滿自憐情緒。 1993 年推出首張專輯《 Pablo Honey 》作品都或多或少帶出與之相同的味兒。


When you were here before,
couldn't look you in the eye.
You're just like an angel,
your skin makes me cry.
You float like a feather,
in a beautiful world
I wish I was special,
you're so fucking special.
But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo.
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here.

1995 年,第二張專輯《 The Bends 》使得 Radiohead 在英國家喻戶曉。這張專輯裏有很多耐聽的歌。比如 “ High and Dry ”, “Fake Plastic Tree” , “Nice Dream” 。。。特有的輕靈伴奏,和著 Thom 動情的娓娓述說,帶著樸素唯美的自在與憂傷,頗具搖滾魅力。

High & Dry


…. Oh, it's the best thing that you ever had,
the best thing that you ever, ever had.
It's the best thing that you ever had.
The best thing that you had has gone away.
Don't leave me high don't leave me dry
Don't leave me high don't leave me dry

1997 年,第 3 張專輯《 OK Computer 》奠定了樂隊的實驗搖滾風格。 樂團嚐試將搖滾樂導入一個 情緒化又充滿藝術色彩 的音樂空間 ,樸素怪異。 我推薦一個“ Let Down ”

Let Down

Let down and hanging around,
crushed like a bug in the ground.
Let down and hanging around….

2000 年,樂團推出專輯《 Kid A 》,走極簡主義樂風,電子樂,數碼錄音編製。 Thom 表示, “ 一個淨化了世上所有病態,然後繼承了地球的世代 ” 的故事,同時也探究被孤立於現代世界的感受。

01 年,又發表了另一張專輯《 Amnesiac 》,這一輯裏的歌曲都是在錄製《 Kid A 》期間所完成的作品,這是一張用另外一種形式為《 Kid A 》進行不同注解的作品。《 Kid A 》的封麵呈現出一種距離感,畫麵中的火是發生在山的另一頭,《 Amnesiac 》的封麵則是置身在大火之中,兩張封麵的火紅圖像暗喻著創傷,所以,前者帶出了遠觀創傷的感覺,後者則是置身在創傷之中。

I Might Be Wrong

I might be wrong
I might be wrong
I could have sworn
I saw a light coming home
I used to think
I used to think
There is no future left at all
I used to think
Open up, begin again
Let's go down the waterfall
Think about the good times and
Never look back
Never look back
What would I do?
What would I do?
If I did not have you?
Open up and let me in
Let's go down the waterfall
Have ourselves a good time
It's nothing at all
Nothing at all
Nothing at all

2003 年,第五張《 Hail To The Thief 》,樂團試圖重新回歸吉他搖滾路線。卻不再有當年的血性與心氣。

2007 年, 第六張專輯《 In Rainbows 》集合了細碎碎電子節拍,似人低吟的弦樂,刺激感官的抽離,淡雅的鋼琴綴音。。。很出色的迷幻代表作。

Jigsaw Falling into Palce

Just as you take my hand
Just as you write my number down
Just as the drinks arrive
Just as they play your favourite song
As your bad day disappears
No longer wound up like a spring
Before you've had too much
Come back in focus again

The walls are bending shape
You got a cheshire cat grin
All blurring into one
This place is on a mission

Before the night owl
Before the animal noises
Closed circuit cameras
Before you comatose

Before you run away from me
Before you're lost between the notes
The beat goes round and round
The beat goes round and round

I never really got there
I just pretended that I had
Words are blunt instruments
Words are sawn off shotguns

Come on and let it out 。。。。

今年年 6 月,樂隊首張精選大碟《 Radiohead: The Best Of 》,網羅了樂團在 1992-2005 年間 6 張專輯中的暢銷單曲,招牌作與演唱會中最受歡迎的歌曲,包括: Creep 、 High And Dry 、 Paranoid Android 、 There There 、 No Surprises 、 Pyramid Song 、 Street Spirit (Fade Out) 、 Karma Police 、 2+2 = 5 、 Just 、 Fake Plastic Trees 、、、等等。(買了一張碟,因此去看了這麽多)

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