(2006-09-12 11:06:19)
女兒叫我陪她去打遊戲, 我說 “不去。 It's a bad day." 她說, 我看出來了。 過了一會, 她叫我: "check email!"。 我收到這麽一首詩。
Like a ocean full of many pleasures
Like dolphins and starfish and maybe even some treasures
Full of seashells and sand
But its not always this grand
There are dangerous jellyfish
and sharks galore
Sometimes some sad dead animals that wash up share
What I am trying to say
Is It can’t be great everyday.
Some days are good
some days are bad
some days you are happy
some days you are sad
So those not so good days
give them a chance
Cause something terrific happens
Just in a glance
下樓,我問女兒,還想打遊戲嗎。。。 我們玩了好久, 2勝2負以平局告終。
現在我就去準備,晚飯給她做個她最喜歡的 meat loaf.