  • 博客訪問:

1/7 星期一

(2008-01-07 01:14:39) 下一個
上周五, 喝醉了, 不醒人事, literally. 事情是這樣的, Dave打電話來說他和Cameron在HUB喝酒, 於是下班後我就直奔HUB, joined them. Cameron is Dave's friend, australian. 我到的時候, Dave和Cameron已經喝了很多, Dave半醉, 開始到處和女生搭訕. 我隨便喝了幾杯rum&coke, Dave said I need to catch up, then he brought me some really strong shorts, 62% alcohol, one called Stairway to Heaven, but it tasted like shit, which got me right way to the hell. 這是我最後的記憶片段.

再次有知覺&記憶的時候, 我和Dave在我家樓下, 我走不動, 整個人倒在他身上, 他一邊拖著我, 一邊問, "Jess, which building???" 我醉得連自己叫什麽都不知道, 哪兒還記得起which building. 好在Dave還沒有蠢到家, 終於隱約想起來我家的位置, 把我拖進房間, 看著我安全的倒在自己的床上, 他才離開.

周六早晨10點, 我終於睜開眼睛, 很驚異的發現自己安然無恙的躺在自己的床上, 然後我開始試圖回憶昨晚的事情. 記得在HUB喝酒, 和Dave, Cameron, 記得最後Dave把我拖回家, 中間的一段時間, 完全是空白, 什麽也想不起來. 於是我給Dave打電話, "What happened last night?" "We drinking at HUB", Dave said, "Yeah, I remember that part, and?" "And we went to Karaoke." "Karaoke??? I dont remember that..." "Well, you were still able to walk at the moment, then we got to the karaoke room, you said you need to go to bathroom. You couldnt walk straight, so I was helping you, and you started to throw up in the bathroom..." 果然不出所料, 我已經看到毛衣袖子上的stains, 一定是吐了. My cashmere sweater!!! Damn!!! Dave was continuing, "Then you fell in the hallway, man, you really scared me, you were not responding at all. Then some karaoke staff called ambulance..." "WHAT??? AMBULANCE??? you kidding me, right???" I was totally freaked out. "No, they sent you to a hospital, check your wallet, the receipt should be there." 我跳起來去翻錢包, Dave不是開玩笑, 醫院的單據都在, "What they did to me in the hospital?" "Well, you threw up a lot, and not responding, so they gave you a drip." "A TRIP???...FUCK, are you serious???" 我覺得大腦一片空白, 自己被救護車送進醫院, 而且打了點滴, 但我完完全全一點也不記得!!! 看到自己左手手腕上貼著塊膠布, 按了一下, 痛, 是針孔, 我的天, 這也太誇張了吧... 我沮喪極了, "Anything else?" Dave said, "Well, after the drip, you finally woke up, then I grabbed a cab, got you home. That is all, are you feeling ok now?" "No, I am not feeling ok, I have this horrible hangover, and 3 hours without any memory!...ambulance, hospital, and a drip, oh god..." "Easy, girl, you will be fine, just need a little more time to get all pieces back together." Yeah, he is right, I am still alive, and my wallet here, all cards inside, I am quite lucky for surviving from such a dramatic drunk accident.  

放下電話, 我搖搖晃晃的去浴室, 泡在tub裏, trying to get myself back together. 看到鏡子裏自己的臉, 鼻子上一塊淤青, 嘴唇上兩塊, 身上右側hip&leg各一塊, 覺得自己象法醫驗傷一般. 估計摔倒的時候是右側著地, 臉上的傷估計是磕到sink, 還好, 沒什麽大恙, 幾天就會消的. 我一直很想體驗一回坐救護車的感覺, 這回終於坐上了, 我卻完全不記得...#$%$#$$$##!!! 我坐在tub裏胡思亂想, 頭很暈, 胃也不舒服, 這次玩得有點過了, 吸取教訓, 打算禁酒一個月.

下午把衣服送去幹洗店, 花了我4000大洋, 醉酒的直接受益者是幹洗店老板們. 然後去hair salon"收拾"頭發, 和stylist聊天的時候, 意識到昨晚戴的耳環也不見了, damn!!! 雖然不是很貴的耳環, 但我真的很喜歡, 唉... 散財消災吧. 晚上和Dave見麵, 他又在喝酒, 和不同的朋友, 我們一起吃的晚飯, 但我非常堅決的滴酒不沾. Dave把我昨晚醉酒的情形非常生動的表演了一遍, 最後加了一句, "Welcome to my world, baby!" LOL, once is definitely enough, will never do that again. 2008年就是這麽一個開始, phew... 真讓人不安.

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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
-尖尖- 回複 悄悄話 悟空啊,你不讓我說我還是要說,小酒逸情,大酒……到手的鴨子遠走
jgey 回複 悄悄話 嗬嗬...借您吉言,要是真的一不小心摔成國寶,那還真不太好出門。還好,還好,下不為例。
clee 回複 悄悄話 心痛啊呀! 還好你沒摔成為熊貓或是斑馬!! 嘻.. 嘻..