7/8 星期六
(2006-07-08 03:05:50)
臨出門的時候,一邊化妝,一邊放[sex and the city],我的習慣,"聽"電視劇,不是"看".正好是那一集,Mr.Big可能要搬去PARIS,CARRIE很興奮的宣布說,她也可以跟他一起去PARIS.But Mr.Big said, "dont go to Paris for me, I dont want u to make big decisions to change your life for me." Then Carrie was so upset, "Why is it so tough to fit me inot your life?" Good question, 一瞬間,我愣住,站在鏡子前,不知道魂飛到哪裏去.I knew exactly how Carrie felt, and I knew how painful it was as well. When did I ask the same question? A few years ago? And who was the asshole I asking to? I couldnt even remember clearly, when, how, why, or who, but there was something I never be able to forget, --the feeling of pain. It has been hiding deep inside of my heart, and seems I have already forgotten everything related to it, but the fact is, with only a similar drama scene, it can come back to me easily. It has never gone, just like a haunting ghost. Sometimes I think [sex and the city] is a really cruel show, it just being too real, so many scenes might be able to remind of your own bad experiences easily, which you actually have spent a life long time to try to forget. A relationship without pain is just worthless, but where is the line when the lovely romantic pain could turn out to be a real pain pain? It sounds like a big puzzle which worth of millions to solve.
Yesterday chatting with George, who is currently in HK, and has lots of free time to get online, he asked me, what kinda guys I was looking for. Honestly, I didnt have any specific image, its kinda feeling thing, you couldnt define it by rules or conditions. But I still tried to figure out some lines, "err...wise, honest, mentally and physically strong...with a stable and respectful job, loves adventure and travel..." George typed, "I fit all your conditions", I replied, "oh yeah? and he has to be SINGLE!" He laughing, "I am too lazy to compete with another woman and a paper of marriage, you know that", I added. I have known this guy for almost 5 years, we still talk to each other, and I wanna be able to talk to him for another 5 years, which means I better not get involved with him physically or emotionally, even though he is really wise, charming, and generous.
Got to go, Yi is waiting for me now.
"Sex and City" 裏麵的四位小姐(或大姐)睡了半座紐約城,最後才發現所謂的"the one" 實際上並沒有想象中的那麽完美和神秘.Carrie男友比新款的衣服鞋子換得還快,最後才發現原來轉了一大圈又回到了Mr. Big的懷抱中; Miranda 作為新時代職業女性的代表還是和baby's daddy團圓; Samantha 就不談了; Charlette 一開始擇友要求那麽高,後來也不settle for 一個禿頭的猶太哥們了麽(起碼他的UWS的公寓還是不錯的).
總而言之要畢生尋找所謂的"the one" 實在是誤人誤己.記得你在以前的一篇文章中寫過大概這樣一句話,"即使一個人也要快快樂樂的過著". 當時讓我覺得一個女孩子還能有這麽positive的生活態度,我真應該好好向你學習.希望Jess能早日恢複好心情,不要日日為情所惑,你這麽好的條件找個如意郎君不成問題,relax, 船到橋頭自然直.
the point is, the plus one doesnt mean the plus happiness...we will see :)