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John Denver:永恒名曲典藏 - by 肯老的

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【專輯名稱】:Definitive All-Time Greatest Hits《永恆名曲典藏》
【專輯歌手】:John Denver
【發行日期】:October 5, 2004


◎收錄Leaving On A Jet Plane、Leaving On A Jet Plane、Annie's Song等膾炙人口的經典好歌

充滿人文氣息,全球總銷售量超過兩億張,堪稱本世紀最偉大的鄉村搖滾及美式民謠創作歌手約翰丹佛John Denver,以「搭機離開Leaving, On A Jet Plane」一曲傳遞即將搭機上前線離開心上人之難捨心境的動人作品,建立起其個人音樂事業的基石,生前以其簡單真誠卻別具優美特色與韻味手法而聞名全球,此輯特別將John Denver最精華的24首膾炙人口的雋永經典钜作予以網羅,包括:不斷為後人所翻唱、儼然已成了鄉村樂國歌所描寫出生活中點點滴滴單純而美麗事物的「鄉村路帶我回家Take Me Home Country Roads」、溫柔地撫慰人心的雙料排行冠軍曲「肩上的陽光Sunshine On My Shoulders」、描述他對家以及妻子的愛戀、獲得無數樂迷共鳴而雙雙成為全美雙料排行#1的「再度返家Back Home Again 」「安妮之歌Annie's Song」,真摯的歉意令人動容與奧莉薇亞紐頓強Olivia Newton-John甜美的合音為這首優美的作品更添悅耳動聽性的「遠走高飛Fly Away」等,首首都是排行榜熱門暢銷單曲,忠實紀錄John Denver的音樂旅途樹立裏程碑的關鍵作品,絕對是張值得永恆典藏的世紀典藏。

Take Me Home, Country Roads

Almost heaven, West Virginia
Blue Ridge Mountains
Shenandoah River,
Life is old there
Older than the trees
Younger than the mountains
Blowin' like the breeze

Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads

All my memories gathered 'round her
Miner's lady, stranger to blue water
Dark and dusty, painted on the sky
Misty taste of moonshine
Teardrops in my eye


I hear her voice
In the mornin' hour she calls me
The radio reminds me of my home far away
And drivin' down the road I get a feelin'
That I should have been home yesterday, yesterday

[Chorus:Repeat x2]

Take me home, now country roads
Take me home, now country roads ---


01. Leaving on a Jet Plane 3:37
02. Take Me Home, Country Roads 3:08
03. Sunshine on My Shoulders 5:11
04. Poems, Prayers and Promises 4:05
05. Eagle and the Hawk 2:07
06. Rocky Mountain High 4:43
07. Farewell Andromeda (Welcome To My Morning) 4:01
08. Annie's Song2:58
09. Back Home Again 4:43
10. Sweet Surrender 5:26
11. Thank God I'm A Country Boy 3:18
12. I'm Sorry 3:30
13. Calypso 3:34
14. Fly Away4:08
15. Looking for Space 3:58
16. Like a Sad Song 3:42
17. My Sweet Lady 4:25
18. Perhaps Love (feat: Plácido Domingo) 2:56
19. Shanghai Breezes 3:11
20. Wild Montana Skies (feat: Emmylou Harris) 4:02

----- All music copyrighted and of sampler quality please purchase original materials -----
----- 所有的音樂隻是試聽音質請尊重版權購買原裝版本 -----

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