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Cello Concerto No.1 in A minor, Op.33 - by 塵埃

(2013-06-07 23:26:19) 下一個
Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns - Cello Concerto No.1 in A minor, Op.33
John Fan攝影

夏爾·卡米爾·聖桑(法語:Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns,1835年10月9日-1921年12月16日)是一位屬於浪漫時期的法國鋼琴及管風琴演奏家,亦是一位多產的作曲家。他的作品對法國樂壇及後世帶來深遠的影響,重要的作品有《動物狂歡節》、《骷髏之舞》、《參孫與大利拉》等。

聖桑多才多藝,早年曾涉獵地質學、考古學、植物學及昆蟲學,他亦是一位數學專家。後來,除了作曲、演奏及撰寫音樂評論外,他還與歐洲知名的科學家進行討論,以及撰寫關於聲學、巫術科學、羅馬劇院裝修及古老樂器的學術文章。他曾編寫一份哲學著作,名為Problèmes et Mystères,講述科學及藝術會取代宗教;聖桑悲觀及無神的理念,預示了存在主義的出現。他的其他學術成就還包括一冊名為Rimes familières的詩集,及一份十分成功的滑稽劇本,名為La Crampe des écrivains。聖桑亦是法國天文學會的成員;他還教導海市蜃樓,又懂得按自己的要求製作望遠鏡,以及按如日食般的天文現象來計劃演奏會。





Camille Saint-Saëns composed his Cello Concerto No.1 in A minor, Op.33 in 1872, when the composer was age 37. He wrote this work for the Belgian cellist, viola de gamba player and instrument maker Auguste Tolbecque. Tolbecque was part of a distinguished family of musicians closely associated with the Société des Concerts du Conservatoire, France’s leading concert society. The concerto was first performed on January 19, 1873 at a conservatoire concert with Tolbecque as soloist. This was considered a mark of Saint-Saëns' growing acceptance by the French musical establishment.

Sir Donald Francis Tovey later wrote "Here, for once, is a violoncello concerto in which the solo instrument displays every register without the slightest difficulty in penetrating the orchestra." Many composers, including Shostakovich and Rachmaninoff, considered this concerto to be the greatest of all cello concertos.-wiki

iPad version
1. Camille Saint Saens Cello Concerto No 1 in A minor, Op 33. Allegro non troppo, Jacqueline Du Pre

2. Camille Saint Saens Cello Concerto No 1 in A minor, Op 33. Allegretto con moto, Jacqueline Du Pre

3. Camille Saint Saens Cello Concerto No 1 in A minor, Op 33. Tempo primo, Jacqueline Du Pre

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