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Emerald Tree Boas
Gary Ruplinger
An emerald tree boa is a stunning sight. There are two varieties, the Suriname and the Amazon. Both are yellow-green with white spots. The skin looks something like fresh leaves spotted with bird droppings. Occasionally, there are yellow spots, too. The Amazon tends to have a gentler disposition than the Suriname, but either is capable of giving their owner a good bite now and then. The Amazon also tends to be a darker green in color. Both types of the emerald tree boas are entirely arboreal snakes, which mean they live in trees. Both originate in South America. While the two are really quite distinct, for our purposes we'll treat them as one, since they both require similar care. Just remember, if you're getting one as a pet, get a captive born Amazon, since they have a tendency to be tamer (and I think they're prettier than their Suriname counterpart, anyway).
雖然許多人不喜歡蛇, 包括我自己在內, 但我卻喜歡拍蛇。 能把蛇拍好,也是有點難度的, 我還在不斷摸索之中。