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首次確定英語為官方語美國價值觀Meritocracy in America

(2025-02-28 13:09:30) 下一個

Common sense kicks in.  文化一元化(cultural homogenization)推動“美國價值觀”或強調英語作為唯一官方語言 - 

“美國價值觀”- Meritocracy in America has been a driving force behind innovation, competition, and excellence across various sectors. By rewarding individuals based on their abilities, skills, and achievements, rather than their background or social identity, meritocracy has fostered growth, advancement, and global leadership. 

For “美國價值觀” is for Global Competitiveness:

For America, the meritocratic model has been central to its rise as a global leader in many industries. By focusing on talent and capability, the U.S. has been able to foster world-class professionals, researchers, and innovators. In a globalized world, where competition is fierce, meritocracy ensures that the most qualified individuals rise to the top, keeping the country competitive.

Elena @maga_elena47 ????BREAKING: President Trump will sign an executive order making English the official language of the United States. This is HUGE. In an era of mass immigration, asserting that the English language as the American language, is a message of national UNITY. elaborate on essential to do such act
ChatGPT said:

Making English the official language of the United States through an executive order would be a significant policy move with broad implications. Proponents argue that it would reinforce national unity, streamline government operations, and encourage linguistic assimilation among immigrants. They contend that a common language fosters social cohesion, facilitates economic mobility, and reduces the costs associated with multilingual government services. In an era of mass immigration, establishing English as the official language could be seen as a reaffirmation of American identity and a practical step toward integration.

However, critics argue that such a move may alienate non-English-speaking communities, particularly in a nation historically shaped by linguistic and cultural diversity. The U.S. has never had an official language at the federal level, partly due to its commitment to individual liberties and multiculturalism. While English proficiency is crucial for economic and social integration, opponents fear that an official language policy could lead to reduced access to essential government services for non-English speakers and diminish cultural inclusivity.

Ultimately, the impact of such an order would depend on its scopewhether it primarily affects government documents and proceedings or extends into broader societal expectations. Balancing national unity with inclusivity will be a key challenge in any language policy debate.

You said:
It caught me off guard that 據《華爾街日報》28日報道,白宮官員透露,美國總統特朗普計劃簽署一項行政命令,將首次確定英語為美國官方語言。 報道稱,在近250年的曆史中,美國從未在聯邦層麵設定過全國性語言。美國國內有數百種語言,這是長期接納世界各地移民的結果。 新聞背景 據維基百科資料:美國最廣泛的語言是英語,但美國聯邦政府並沒有設有官方語言。曆史上存在過很多語言。其他有美國本土的語言,也有來自歐洲、亞洲等地區的語言。目前美國所使用的語言約有430種,其中有176種土著語言。其餘絕大多數是由殖民者帶來,還有個別語言是在美國誕生的,如克裏奧爾語、美國手語。 美國沒有官方語言,但目前作為通用語的是英語(美式英語)。 一些州已經通過立法,給英語賦予正式地位。 截至2014年10月美國的50個州中,有31個州已將英語作為官方語言,夏威夷將英語和夏威夷語作為正式的語言。 最先在美國使用的歐洲語言有英語、德語、荷蘭語、法語和西班牙語。受加拿大魁北克影響,原本法語是早年移民的第二語言,後被西班牙語取代。
ChatGPT said:

This report highlights a historic shift in U.S. language policy. If confirmed, Trumps executive order would mark the first time English is officially designated as the national language at the federal level. While English is the de facto common language in government, business, and education, the U.S. has never legally established an official language, reflecting its long history of linguistic diversity shaped by immigration.

Currently, 31 states have already recognized English as their official language, but federal policy has remained neutral, accommodating over 430 spoken languages, including 176 indigenous ones. While some view this move as a unifying measure amid rising immigration, others may see it as a departure from the countrys multicultural traditions. The implications could range from changes in government services to broader cultural and political debates over national identity and inclusivity.

This development raises key questions: Will the order mandate English for federal documents and services? How will it impact multilingual communities? Will it face legal or political challenges? Regardless, it signals a significant shift in how the U.S. defines linguistic and national identity.

特朗普計劃簽署行政命令 將首次確定英語為官方語

文章來源:- 新聞取自各大新聞媒體,新聞內容並不代表本網立場!





一些州已經通過立法,給英語賦予正式地位。 截至2014年10月美國的50個州中,有31個州已將英語作為官方語言,夏威夷將英語和夏威夷語作為正式的語言。

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