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  • 博客訪問:

insomnia食物不適勞心過多勞力不足circadian rhythm

(2025-01-14 18:10:52) 下一個
how does “光療眼鏡” work?
ChatGPT said:

“光療眼鏡” (light therapy glasses) are devices designed to deliver specific wavelengths of light to help regulate your circadian rhythm (your internal biological clock) and address issues such as insomnia, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), jet lag, or fatigue. Here’s how they work:

1. Mechanism of Action

  • Mimics Natural Light:
    These glasses emit blue or white light that mimics the intensity and wavelength of natural sunlight. This light stimulates photoreceptors in your eyes, which send signals to the brain, particularly the hypothalamus, where the circadian rhythm is controlled.

  • Suppression of Melatonin:
    Exposure to bright light in the morning or during the day suppresses the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep. This helps you feel more awake and alert during the day and promotes the natural onset of melatonin production later in the evening.

  • Resetting the Circadian Clock:
    If your sleep-wake cycle is misaligned (e.g., due to jet lag, shift work, or delayed sleep phase disorder), regular use of light therapy glasses at specific times can help shift your internal clock to a desired schedule.

2. How to Use Light Therapy Glasses

  • Timing:

    • For insomnia or delayed sleep phase: Use them in the morning shortly after waking up to advance your circadian rhythm.
    • For jet lag: Use them based on the local morning time of your destination to align your rhythm with the new time zone.
    • For SAD or fatigue: Use them during daylight hours, especially in the early morning.
  • Duration:
    Sessions typically last 20–30 minutes daily, though this varies depending on the device and individual needs.

  • Consistency:
    Regular use is key to achieving noticeable results. Sporadic use is less effective in resetting the circadian rhythm.

3. Common Features of Light Therapy Glasses

  • Compact and Portable:
    Unlike traditional light therapy boxes, glasses are lightweight and can be worn during daily activities.

  • Safe Wavelengths:
    They usually avoid UV light and focus on blue-enriched or green wavelengths, which are most effective for circadian regulation.

  • Adjustable Intensity:
    Many devices allow users to modify light intensity based on comfort and sensitivity.

4. Benefits

  • Improves Sleep:
    Helps regulate melatonin production, enabling better sleep onset and quality.
  • Enhances Mood:
    Effective for treating SAD and improving mood during darker months.
  • Boosts Energy:
    Promotes alertness, especially in those with disrupted sleep schedules.
  • Convenience:
    Can be used while doing other tasks, like working or reading.

5. Precautions

  • Light Sensitivity:
    People with certain eye conditions (e.g., glaucoma or cataracts) or those taking photosensitizing medications should consult a doctor before use.

  • Timing Mistakes:
    Using the glasses at the wrong time (e.g., in the evening) can disrupt your sleep-wake cycle further.

  • Gradual Adjustment:
    Start with shorter sessions to avoid eye strain or headaches as you acclimate.

Would you like help choosing a specific model or guidance on incorporating it into your routine?




  1. 接受現狀
    失眠時,不要過度焦慮或逼迫自己入睡。正如“let it be, stay in the here and now”所說,接受失眠的狀態,減少對睡眠的執念。焦慮反而會讓情況更糟。

  2. 正念練習

    • 練習深呼吸:緩慢吸氣4秒、屏住呼吸7秒、緩慢呼氣8秒,重複幾次,幫助放鬆神經。
    • 專注於當下:將注意力轉向身邊的小事,比如被子觸感、空氣流動。
  3. 避免過度反芻

    • 別糾結過去的失誤或擔憂未來的事情。失眠時,用溫柔的心態對自己說:“此刻我不需要解決任何問題,安靜地休息也可以。”


  1. 健康的作息習慣

    • 每天盡量在固定時間起床,避免周末補覺。
    • 睡前1小時避免使用手機或電腦,減少藍光刺激。
  2. 適度運動

    • 每天白天進行一些運動,如散步或瑜伽。
    • 避免睡前3小時劇烈運動,以免讓身體過於興奮。
  3. 光療設備

    • 如你提到的“光療眼鏡”,確實有研究表明它對調整生物鍾和改善睡眠有幫助。可以在白天使用模擬自然光的設備,幫助調節晝夜節律。


  1. 臥室環境

    • 保持室內涼爽、安靜、昏暗,營造助眠氛圍。
    • 投資一個舒適的床墊和枕頭。
  2. 芳香療法

    • 使用薰衣草或洋甘菊精油,這些有助於放鬆和助眠。
  3. 限製臥室功能

    • 盡量隻在臥室睡覺,不在床上看劇或工作,讓大腦將臥室與睡眠聯係起來。


  1. 飲食調節

    • 睡前避免攝入咖啡因和高糖食品。
    • 可以嚐試溫牛奶或蜂蜜茶,有助於放鬆。
  2. 補充劑

    • 適量的褪黑素補充劑可能有助於調整睡眠,但應在醫生指導下使用。
  3. 心理谘詢或藥物

    • 如果失眠長期持續並嚴重影響生活,可以考慮求助於心理醫生,接受認知行為療法(CBT-I)或其他幹預。








您的位置: 文學城 » 論壇 » 健康養生 » 失眠 » 完蛋了,2025年才開始十幾天就得失眠症了


• 生活習慣沒改的話,是不是更年期激素變化引起的? -Mutsu-  給 Mutsu 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 06:52:16

• 早更完了。我也不想補雌激素,怕得癌  -oubaiyin-  給 oubaiyin 發送悄悄話 oubaiyin 的博客首頁 (51 bytes) (143 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 07:05:42

• 心裏有事? -lawattaction-  給 lawattaction 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 07:09:35

• 從來不想事的 -oubaiyin-  給 oubaiyin 發送悄悄話 oubaiyin 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 07:35:36

• 按摩+想吃啥吃啥( 別管是不是健康飲食) -lawattaction-  給 lawattaction 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (5 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 07:46:32

• 半夜跟著網上按摩助眠的,沒用,聽舒緩音樂,聽電台講經布道,都沒用。 -oubaiyin-  給 oubaiyin 發送悄悄話 oubaiyin 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 08:02:30

• 不是自己按,LOL -lawattaction-  給 lawattaction 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 08:32:22

• 晚上補充些鎂,可以幫助放鬆。 -Mutsu-  給 Mutsu 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 07:40:32

• 每天吃一大把堅果和藍莓啊 -oubaiyin-  給 oubaiyin 發送悄悄話 oubaiyin 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 07:42:17

• 估計不夠。你試試Costco有賣的一大罐的鎂衝劑,一次一勺衝水喝。 -Mutsu-  給 Mutsu 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (5 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 09:00:26

• 有沒有副作用? -oubaiyin-  給 oubaiyin 發送悄悄話 oubaiyin 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 09:46:39

• 食物不適、勞心過多、勞力不足, 必有其一. -幕鼓晨鍾-  給 幕鼓晨鍾 發送悄悄話 幕鼓晨鍾 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (10 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 07:02:00

• 食物沒改變,一直固定是那些。運動量應該足夠了 。總之2025要我命了。去年跟一個網友見麵,她臉上青紫一大塊,還有膠布。我沒問啥原因,後來她中斷希臘旅遊,提前回去,告訴我她睡覺不好,導致頭暈在家摔倒了。去希臘又摔了,也是睡眠嚴重不足 。 -oubaiyin-  給 oubaiyin 發送悄悄話 oubaiyin 的博客首頁 (306 bytes) (116 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 07:40:43

• 最好審視一下食物的構成. 食物影響gut health, gut 影響 brain -幕鼓晨鍾-  給 幕鼓晨鍾 發送悄悄話 幕鼓晨鍾 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (7 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 07:53:00

• 多曬太陽做做園藝或瑜伽,喝點lemon balm助眠茶或補充鎂 



-夏陽-  給 夏陽 發送悄悄話 夏陽 的博客首頁 (155 bytes) (82 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 07:49:00

• 以前也沒失眠的,我還特不理解人怎麽會睡不著 -oubaiyin-  給 oubaiyin 發送悄悄話 oubaiyin 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (5 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 08:00:41

• I have the same challenge, wake up many times a night. Try some Melatonine?-越挫越勇2-  給 越挫越勇2 發送悄悄話 (25 bytes) (30 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 15:24:32

• 凡事都有原因,自己找找。不會突然嚴重失眠,一定是逐漸加重的。 -AprilMei-  給 AprilMei 發送悄悄話 AprilMei 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 07:50:47

• 找不出啊,也許是我以前話說太滿了。我說從來不會睡不著的。 -oubaiyin-  給 oubaiyin 發送悄悄話 oubaiyin 的博客首頁 (42 bytes) (97 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 08:04:00

• 靜下心來,想想近來生活和工作上有什麽變化沒有,包括人際關係。 -Shubin-  給 Shubin 發送悄悄話 Shubin 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 08:08:43

• 子女的牽掛和擔憂?他們/她們的另一半不和你意,都會造成失眠和抑鬱。 -lawattaction-  給 lawattaction 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 08:36:03

• 猜謎遊戲?隻有本人自己知道今年發生了哪些變化。 -AprilMei-  給 AprilMei 發送悄悄話 AprilMei 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (6 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 08:49:11

• 外因都沒有,最大可能還得雌激素急降導致的。我今天煮了一鍋黃豆,每次炒菜放幾勺試試有效果不。 -oubaiyin-  給 oubaiyin 發送悄悄話 oubaiyin 的博客首頁 (81 bytes) (142 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 09:13:46

• 更完以後激素不可能急劇下降。 -AprilMei-  給 AprilMei 發送悄悄話 AprilMei 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (5 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 09:18:49

• 一個絕招兒,早睡 -翩翩~~-  給 翩翩~~ 發送悄悄話 翩翩~~ 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (25 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 09:24:10

• 我多年固定11點睡,6點左右醒的 -oubaiyin-  給 oubaiyin 發送悄悄話 oubaiyin 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 09:29:31

• just let it be,stay in the here and now. no living in the 

past or future, let all clingings go, including long good sleep...


-Arianagy-  給 Arianagy 發送悄悄話 (75 bytes) (96 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 10:32:53

• welcome to the club with sleeping issue -wearing1-  給 wearing1 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (9 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 12:39:48

• 前不久有個人發帖 -



xycheese-  給 xycheese 發送悄悄話 xycheese 的博客首頁 (60 bytes) (165 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 13:18:08

• 試試pink noise -start2020-  給 start2020 發送悄悄話 start2020 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (13 reads) 01/14/2025 postreply 15:49:13




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