
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
  • 博客訪問:

The Conductor (Antonia Louis Brico)/Christanne De Bruijn/Maria P

(2024-09-19 22:19:45) 下一個

詮釋會錯,但癡迷不會! Interpretation may be mistaken, but the obsession remains.1933, New York

"Life is full of difficult paths, but what doesn't defeat me will eventually make me stronger. The Conductor – the personal biography of Antonia Brico, the first female conductor in history (a true story). #ConductingLegend #ChiefConductor


The film is a true account of a woman's career struggle, showing how a woman from a humble background breaks through the 'glass ceiling' of the workplace to become the first female conductor in history! When love and dreams 'meet head-on,' watch how she 'conducts' her life and achieves self-realization!

The movie is based on a true story and tells the story of 'the greatest female conductor in history,' Antonia Brico, who bravely pursued her musical dream. Despite the extreme limitations on women's social status in the 1920s, she eventually fulfilled her personal worth.

Coming from humble beginnings, she held onto her dream of music. Along her journey, in a male-dominated music world, she faced numerous challenges and scorn but never gave up. As the first glimmers of hope appeared, the man she loved hoped she would give up her dream for love.

In the end, she resolutely chose to pursue her musical dream in Europe, leaving their love's future uncertain. The film is directed by renowned Dutch filmmaker Maria Peters.

Director: Maria Peters
Writer: Maria Peters
Cast: Christanne de Bruijn / Benjamin Wainwright / Scott Turner Schofield / Seumas F. Sargent / Annet Malherbe
Genre: Drama / Romance / Biography

Portrayal of Antonia Brico's struggle as a female conductor in 20th century|| 'The Conductor ' || 


6,079 views Dec 29, 2022
Antonia Louis Brico was a Dutch born conductor and pianist... She struggled hard to stand out in the times where women were considered inferior...Her struggle was commendable and inspiring. I came across this clip while watching the movie, 'The Conductor '( De Derigent ) based on her story...Hope you enjoy the video :-). The above clip is taken from film 'The Conductor '( De Derigent ). The lead role was played by Christanne De Bruijn.


2 years ago
THE LAST MUSIC IN THE FILM IS     * Salut d'Amour Op.12 - Edward Elgar *


WATCH IN HD 1080P coloring : mine

song: face my fears by isak danielson

program : sony vegas pro 13

movie : the conductor

I hope you guys like it.

Antonia: A Portrait of the Woman (2022 Restoration)


22,901 views May 3, 2022

Full 1974 film made with Judy Collins about the 1st internationally known woman symphony conductor, Antonia Brico. Acclaimed documentary of the 70's feminist movement. Nominated for an Academy Award Best Feature Documentary. Restored in 2022 by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences.

感謝您拍攝這部關於美麗、堅強、勇敢的女性的電影!她沒有後退,沒有絆倒,朝著自己的目標走去!我建議你觀看講述她艱難命運的長片《血管裡的音樂》。"Thank you for making this film about a beautiful, strong, and courageous woman! She did not back down or stumble, but moved forward toward her goal! I recommend you watch the feature film Music in the Veins, which tells the story of her challenging fate."

At 25:20 Mrs. Brico wrongly confuses Yevgeny Svetlana, a supposedly female Russian conductor, with the real Yevgeny Fiodorovich SVETLANOV (1928-2002), a famous and renowned male conductor. Great documentary on the subject, anyway.
Offizieller "Die Dirigentin" Trailer Deutsch German 2020 | Abonnieren http://abo.yt/kc | (OT: De Dirigent) Movie Trailer | Kinostart: 24 Sep 2020 | Filminfos https://KinoCheck.de/film/jct/die-dir... Eine Frau träumt davon, Dirigentin zu werden. Doch ihr Geschlecht erschwert ihr den Weg zum Ruhm.
Die Dirigentin



DIE DIRIGENTIN - Cast & Crew zu Gast in Stuttgart (English)


Mirga Gra?inyt?-Tyla (g. 1986 m. rugpjū?io 29 d. Vilniuje[1] – lietuvi? dirigent?, Zalcburgo valstybinio teatro (Salzburger Landestheater) ir Birmingamo miesto simfoninio orkestro (City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra) muzikos direktor?. Brit? klasikin?s muzikos portalo „Classic FM“ vadinama geriausia pasaulio moterimi dirigente.[2]

Gra?inyt?-Tyla gim? Vilniuje, muzik? šeimoje. Jos t?vas, Romualdas Gra?inis – choro dirigentas,  mama – Sigut? Gra?inien? – pianist? bei daininink?.[3] Jos senel? Beata Vasiliauskait?-Šmidtien? buvo smuikinink?, senelio brolis Bernardas Vasiliauskas – Vilniaus arkikatedros bazilikos vargonininkas.[4] Turi jaunesni?j? seser?, pianist? Onut? Gra?inyt? bei jaunesn? brol? Adom? Gra?in?.[5]

Mirga Gra?inyt?-Tyla
Diriguoja Mirga Gra?inyt?-Tyla (2017 m.)
Gimimo vardas Mirga Gra?inyt?
Gim? 1986 m. rugpjū?io 29 d. (38 metai)
Tautyb? lietuv?
Veikla dirigent?
Organizacijos Birmingamo miesto simfoninis orkestras
Pareigos muzikos direktor?
 Vikiteka Mirga Gra?inyt?-Tyla

Mirga Gra?inyt?-Tyla (born Mirga Gra?inyt?, 29 August 1986 in Vilnius)[1] is a Lithuanian conductor. She was the musical director of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra (CBSO).[2]



Early years and education


Gra?inyt?-Tyla was born in Vilnius, Lithuania. Her father, Romualdas Gra?inis, is a choir conductor affiliated with the Aidija Chamber Choir in Vilnius.[3] Her mother Sigut? Gra?inien? is a pianist and singer.[4] Her grandmother Beata Vasiliauskait?-Šmidtien? was a violinist.[5] Her great-uncle was an organist, and her great-aunt was a composer.[6] The oldest of three siblings,[7] her sister Onut? Gra?inyt? is a pianist, and she has a younger brother, Adomas Gra?inis.

As a child, Gra?inyt?-Tyla received her initial education in French and painting,[4] and studied at the National M. K. ?iurlionis School of Art in Vilnius. At age 11, she decided that she wanted to study music, and the one remaining musical programme option was choral conducting. She subsequently received musical training and education without ever playing a musical instrument.[8] She first conducted a choir at age 13.[9] She subsequently continued music studies at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz,[10] where her instructors included Johannes Prinz,[6] and completed her degree in 2007. She subsequently studied conducting at the Music Conservatory Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy in Leipzig with Ulrich Windfuhr and the Music Conservatory in Zurich (where her mentors included Johannes Schlaefli).[9] Gra?inyt?-Tyla chose to add the word 'Tyla', Lithuanian for 'silence', to form her professional name.[11][12]




Part 3/4: https://youtu.be/TJdWQrkQdqk?si=_-WtEr_E8SvdxmN9 

Part 4/4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1Ig44mheR0 

Mirga Gra?inyt?-Tyla – Going for the impossible: The Conductor Mirga Gra?inyt?-Tyla (part 3/4)

quote:這世間想看你失敗的人,永遠多過想看你成功的人。有時不是他們壞,隻是他們想給一事無成的自己找個借口. 於你又應該如何應對呢?人生之路一往無前,無論站在台上還是站在台下,我們始終演得都是自己,那個陪你哭,陪你笑的最忠實觀眾也隻有你自己。所以請拿出“世界再大也唯我獨尊”的氣勢,痛痛快快的演下去吧,不要辜負那個曆經歲月的你,努力回答這轉瞬即逝的人生!

成就你的是你自心的毅力勇敢、絕不妥協, 而不是那許多要打倒你、攻擊你傷害你的人,無須感謝。 感謝自己、感謝你的父母親、以及真心幫助你的人;


39.3K subscribers
92,819 views Sep 12, 2024

#影視解說   影片是一部真實的女性職場奮鬥史,看出身底層的女性如何突破職場“天花板”,成為史上第一位女性指揮家!當愛情和夢想“狹路相逢”,看她如何“指揮”人生,成就自我!電影根據真人故事改編,講述“史上最偉大女指揮家”安東尼婭?布?克勇敢追求音樂夢想,在女性社會地位極度受限的上世紀20年代,最終實現自我價值的故事。她出身微寒,卻心懷音樂夢想。追夢途中,在以男性為主導的音樂世界中曆盡荊棘和冷眼,卻永不言棄。當希望的曙光初露,她深愛的男人卻希望她為愛止步,最終她毅然選擇飛往追尋音樂夢想的歐洲,可他們的愛情又將何去何從......電影由荷蘭名導瑪利亞·彼得斯執導。

導演: 瑪利亞·彼特斯

編劇: 瑪利亞·彼特斯

主演: 克裏斯蒂亞娜 ?德?布奧恩 / 本傑明·溫賴特 / 斯科特·特納·菲爾德 / 塞馬斯·F·薩金特 / 安妮特·馬爾赫畢 / 類型: 劇情 / 愛情 / 傳記

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