YouTube got at ep16 until now, which prompt me to google, and I found CCTV 1 .PTL continued to view
ep17 - YouTube did not have ep17 on, only up to ep16. I googled and found iQimi- but copy-righted, not opened in USA.
2011 (1)
2016 (1035)
2017 (752)
2018 (978)
2019 (385)
2020 (175)
2021 (235)
2022 (101)
2023 (983)
2024 (800)
She got two dimpo on her chicks, hooked eye gaze/stare.
feeling like a kid again.
I'm familiar w/ rain tropical area, seeing rubber trees in my childhood.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YMDD7pawQs [天涯熱土 第7集(淩瀟肅、啜妮、宋晨、鄭曉寧 領銜主演)]
YouTube got at ep16 until now, which prompt me to google, and I found CCTV 1 .PTL continued to view
ep17 - YouTube did not have ep17 on, only up to ep16. I googled and found iQimi- but copy-righted, not opened in USA.