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Jyotirmoy comments

(2023-04-25 21:05:53) 下一個


[Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDJyotirmoy Mishra, PhD• 2nd• 2nd???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
1w • 1w •

People tend to believe that things of wonder happen in a particular #timeline. They don't.

Good #innovation takes time, the best innovation takes a lifetime.

People often ridicule a thing in progress, but #science requires enormous amount of #time and #energy to put down a solid case of implementation.

It never is a thing to achieve, it's always is a thing to pursue, to #innovate, to improve, to glorify, to know the limitations, to understand the process, to #manufacture reality out of #imagination.

Never is a #scientist bored, but what he/she requires, is matter of #committment, help from community, and a dose of #motivation to create a #reality in which all #stakeholders win.

#innovation #development #future #world #sciencecommunication #scienceandtechnology #scientificwriting #scientists #scientific #scienceeducation #scientificresearch #writers #engineering #students #researchimpact #researchanddevelopment #researchers #researchscholar #researcher #researchmatters #researchwork #researchmethods #sciencenews #sciencecareers #sciencefacts #scienceisfun #phdlife #phdstudent #phdresearch

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[Shengwen Calvin Li, PhD,EIC,FRSB,FRSM]


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[Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDJyotirmoy Mishra, PhD• 2nd• 2nd???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
1w • Edited • 1w • Edited •

The greats like - Stephen Hawking, C.V. Raman, Albert Einstein, Issac Newton, Nikola Tesla, Marie Curie - never thought of #world like normal people do.

They never hankered for results, they persisted in developing, #innovating things that #changed the world forever.

Their #patience is of much value, their work ethics does not depend on approval, their #personality never matched the crowd, they remained aloof from the #community, they prospered when things got difficult, their grit spoke volumes, their #ideas remain alive forever.

Having said that, #scientists play a huge role, it's a matter of time that they get the #respect which they deserve, no matter how small their #contribution may be.

#work #ethics #sciencecommunication #scienceandtechnology #scientists #scientificwriting #scientist #scienceeducation #scientificresearch #science #scienceoutreach #scientific #sciences #sciencepolicy #sciencecareers #scienceandenvironment #sciencefacts #researchimpact #researchanddevelopment #researchwork #researchers #researchscholar #researchmatters #researchpaper #researchandinnovation #researchwriting #researchassistant #world #academia #academicwriting #academicpublishing #academicwriter #vssutburla

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[Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDJyotirmoy Mishra, PhD• 2nd• 2nd???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
1w • 1w •

A thing of curiosity remains a mystery, until we understand the #reason.

Science envelops those reasons - it becomes clearer when we observe the facts, and this leads to more questions, and when we stop #questioning, we reach a dead-end.

To ask the right questions, is important.
To #persist, is even more important than anything else.

Research is basically asking the right questions to a modelled #hypothesis, and reaching a favourable #conclusion.

#sciencecommunication #scienceandtechnology #scientists #scientificwriting #scienceeducation #sciencenews #sciences #scientificresearch #science #scienceoutreach #scienceandenvironment #students #researchanddevelopment #researchimpact #researcher #researchmatters #researchmethods #researchandinnovation #researchanddevelopment

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[Shengwen Calvin Li, PhD,EIC,FRSB,FRSM]


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[Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDJyotirmoy Mishra, PhD• 2nd• 2nd???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
2w • 2w •

1?? Remind yourself to be free from the #ideas that ruin your #mentalhealth;

2?? Remind yourself that your perspectives matter in the field of #science;

3?? Remind yourself that science does not belong particularly to anyone but everyone;

4?? Remind yourself that what you lack today will be your niche tomorrow;

5?? Remind yourself that things change, #time changes, and so do your #goals; hence, failure may translate into #success at any moment;

6?? Remind yourself that science requires your #results to progress, not the other way around. That is why it is important to be in a place where you can operate well instead of burning yourself out.

#phdstudent #phdlife #phdjourney #phdchat #phds #phdresearch #researchimpact #research #researchscholar #researchwork #researchmatters #researcher #scientificresearch #scientificcommunication #sciencenews #scienceforall #scienceandtechnology #students #education #studentsuccess #life #academiccounselor #academictwitter #academicwriter #academicwriting #writingcommunity #writers #writing #writingcommunity #sciencewriting #university #institute #vssutburla

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[Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDJyotirmoy Mishra, PhD• 2nd• 2nd???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
3w • Edited • 3w • Edited •

We can stand over the shoulders of the giants to see where the #research gap is, where the research is heading to, where the #impact lies.

A literature review provides #insights, provides a wide variety of #knowledge on a particular #subject, and it takes time.

When someone starts his/her #journey, a review of past literature, accounts for his/her #success in finding out the knowledge that is lacking at present, which in turn might influence a researcher's #hypothesis, and can change the whole dynamic of a research study.

We should learn from the top #scientists, #researchers who have attained many important results and this could motivate new researchers, challenge his/her beliefs and bring out the best that not only is beneficial for #science development, but also creates one more viewpoint for the #future researchers.

#journal #publications #academicwriting #writingcommunity #writers #writing #scientists #scientist #scientificwriting #sciencewriting #scienceandtechnology #scienceeducation #researchimpact #researchanddevelopment #researcher #phdlife #phdchat #phdresearch #phdjourney #phdstudent #phd #reviewpaper #education #university #engineer #engineering #innovation #inventors #academicresearch #literaturereview #vssutburla #students
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[Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDJyotirmoy Mishra, PhD• 2nd• 2nd???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
3w • 3w •

Each source #material (industrial wastes) brings a new spectrum of end-properties.

The #physical and #chemical characteristics of a source material influences the #strength, #microstructure and #durability aspects.

How do we judge?

?? We judge by classifying them, we judge by systematically assigning their worth, we judge by #implementing and #experimenting with their plethora of behaviours, even though, witnessing it at a ground level, at a public-acceptance level, seems like an distant #future affair (especially in developing countries)

?? But, this doesn't mean slowing down the #progress, it only means, to initiate and accelerate the #research and #development, and it can not happen without #contributions and #collaboration from top #scientists around the world, isn't it?

#geopolymers #concrete #concreteconstruction #concretelife #scientists #sciencecommunication #academia #academics #academicwriting #academicresearch #academic #academicpublishing #journal #society #publication #publicengagement #publicpolicy #environmental #environment #lowcarbon #lowcarbonfuture #circulareconomy #construction #constructionindustry #cement #researchimpact #researchanddevelopment #researcher #researchers #researchscholar #phdlife #phdposition #phdstudent #phdchat #phdjourney #phdresearch #phd #industry #revolution #buildingmaterials #buildingdesign #building #civilengineering #civilengineer #vssutburla


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[Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDJyotirmoy Mishra, PhD• 2nd• 2nd???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
3w • Edited • 3w • Edited •
The part of the struggle is to find the "why".

The part of #success is to be delighted in things those were once a part of struggle.

Life, itself, is a growing #psychological phenomenon, and to be connected with the #purpose is to be connected with the self.

#Research, is a valuable part of a scholar's life and to make it enriching, one needs #support from the #scientific community.

There is no lack of support but to guide a #scholar to his/her own #destination is simply the highest level of novel work, one can do - the one who is in the position to #change lives of others.

#work #community #socialimpact #socialchange #scientist #sciencecommunication #sciencewriting #writers #writingcommunity #writerslife #writing #writerscommunity #academia #academic #academicresearch #academiclife #phdlife #phdjourney #phdresearch #phdposition #phdchat #students #studentlife #studentsuccess #successmindset #mindfulness #mindset #mind #change #lifeadvice #career #careerdevelopment #careerdevelopment #careergrowth #society #vssut
…see more

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[Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDJyotirmoy Mishra, PhD• 2nd• 2nd???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
3w • 3w •
To be de-motivated in life while doing #research is quite common, especially when someone is doing his/her Ph.D.

I have encountered several #students who are quite stressed about the way the Ph.D. life unfolds.


1. The #lifestyle changes happen when it is least anticipated.

2. The #motivation fizzles out when someone has to carry out research without a proper vision in mind or lack of valuable #mentorship.

3. The sudden change in life when someone seeks to be a part of core branch research #community instead of enrolling in ongoing industry-related #IT jobs.

4. The support from #family declines until they see that their child is on the right path (mostly in developing countries like India).

I think, this is where a supervisor/mentor's role come into play. With a bit of support from a mentor, the #mind numbs itself out, and the scholar follow his/her own heart without any guilt.

#researchimpact #researchscholar #researchers #researchanddevelopment #researcher #research #phdposition #phdstudent #phdjourney #phdchat #phdcareers #phdlife #phdcandidate #phdjourney #sciencecommunication #scientist #scientificwriting #writers #sciencewriting #academia #academics #academicresearch #academiclife #academicpublishing #academia #university #vssutburla

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[Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDJyotirmoy Mishra, PhD• 2nd• 2nd???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
3w • 3w •
At first, a researcher's calling is to find a good #mentor, under whom:

1. He/she could flower.
2. He/she could see the #academic world through the eyes of mentor.
3. He/she could make mistakes.
4. He/she could #challenge the community.
5. He/she could learn to articulate problems, create a #vision, create his/her own niche.

An #independent researcher seeks an ideal opportunity:

1. To grow.
2. To outdo his/her own past self.
3. To rapidly increase capacity of doing better #research.
4. To motivate junior researchers to follow the path of #science.
5. To communicate widely and extensively about the value of a #mentor.

#community #scientist #scientificwriting #sciencewriting #writingcommunity #academia #academicwriting #academic #academicresearch #researchimpact #researchscholar #research #researchanddevelopment #researcher #researchtools #researchwork #phdlife #phdjourney #phdstudent #phdresearch #phdposition #phdchat #phdjourney #innovation #university #universitylife #institute #education

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[Shengwen Calvin Li, PhD,EIC,FRSB,FRSM]


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SONALI KARView SONALI KAR’s profile • 3rd+Student at Fakir Mohan University, Balasore

Well said.
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Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDView Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD’s profile (He/Him)Author???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Thank you

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[Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDJyotirmoy Mishra, PhD• 2nd• 2nd???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
1mo • Edited • 1mo • Edited •
The project succeeds with teamwork, and therefore leadership plays an important role.

The leader never questions the members, at first, he/she, lets the researcher to do his/her own work, to come up with fascinating facts, complex results, and confusing details.

The fact that research and development is the ultimate aim, drives the project leader, motivates him/her to arrive at a suitable conclusion that may or may not be effective in the eyes of others.

But, it certainly, rejuvenates the team and that is important for a team to prosper in the area of science and development in order to change the world with the vision, and impact.

#projectleader #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #leadershipskills #team #teambuilding #teameffort #teamculture #workculture #management #sciencecommunication #scientificwriting #scientists #science #scienceandtechnology #scienceeducation #researchimpact #researchanddevelopment #researchers #researchscholar #phd #phdlife #phdjourney #phdresearch #phdstudent #inventors #innovation #university #academicwriting #academia #academic #writers # #project #development #patents #vssutburla

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[Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDJyotirmoy Mishra, PhD• 2nd• 2nd???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
1mo • 1mo •
Research itself is a universe of its own.

Yes, we derive hypothesis but the results and analysis do not have to follow the path that we anticipate.

Research has its own trajectory, own line of working, slowly, making a path of its own.

There exists a thin line between manipulation and discovering new facts.

Can research exists without manipulation?

~ Food for thought ~

#researchers #research #researchscholar #researchtools #inventors #scientist #university #projectmanagement #researchmethods #students #phd #phdlife #phdstudent #phdresearch #academicwriting #writingcommunity #writers #academia #academics #institute #vssutburla #researchwork #researchmatters #researchandinnovation #scientificwriting #science #scienceandtechnology #scientificresearch

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[Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDJyotirmoy Mishra, PhD• 2nd• 2nd???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
1mo • 1mo •
???????????????? ???????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????

???? Growing human #civilization leads to the growth of #industrialization. Hence, there is a tremendous generation of industrial wastes that must be taken care of.

???? One of the effective waste disposal #strategies is to #recycle waste in the #construction industry.


???? Because there is no other way to mass-utilize the wastes. And, when the question of #reliability and #relevancy comes, we must stick to our perception that sooner or later, traditional #cement production is going to be irrelevant, given its huge #carbon emissions.

???? Future construction requires the procuring of raw #materials (regionally).

???? And, if we are talking about environmental #sustainability, then we must adopt this change - to move from traditional beliefs to modern requirements.

???? If the subject of #environmental sustainability and protection is our primary objective, then we must allow this #change to happen.

#future #growth #constructionindustry #construction #researchimpact #researchanddevelopment #researchers #research #project #innovation #scientists #sciencecommunication #sciencewriting #science #academicwriting #academia #universities #vssutburla #environmentalimpact #sustainable #sustainableconstruction #concreteconstruction #cement #cementindustry #constructionprojects #constructioncompany #geopolymer #composites
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[Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDJyotirmoy Mishra, PhD• 2nd• 2nd???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
1mo • Edited • 1mo • Edited •
The study of #geopolymers is complex and is highly dependent upon many factors, such as curing conditions, choice and source of raw materials, etc.

However, since the whole academic/industrial community is debating upon the issue of #globalwarming, and mitigation of #carbonfootprints, it is highly recommended to pursue #geopolymer technology as a means to not only eradicate the problems of industrial waste disposal but to adopt geopolymers as a means to solve the pertinent issues such as global warming and climate change. A #lifestyle change, perhaps.

Geopolymer is the brain-child of Dr. Davidovits, whose idea has single-handedly revolutionized the whole of the #construction materials industry.

His efforts have led to almost four decades of research and development of geopolymers as novel #materials for ceramics, coatings, brick manufacturing, refractory materials, and additive manufacturing of binders/concrete.

The era of traditional cement is over and #researchers around the world have realized this fact; for which several types of blended cement are now in action, but this is only due to the selfless efforts of Prof. Davidovits.

Links to some of his seminal works are mentioned below:

1. https://lnkd.in/dzkTbaW4

2. https://lnkd.in/dug48MmK

3. https://lnkd.in/dPKkyHys

#geopolymers #concrete #mortar #sustainability #researchimpact #researchanddevelopment #research #researchers #inventors #sciencecommunication #academicwriting #academia #academic #globalwarming #climatechange #climatecrisis #cement #society #industrial #wastemanagement #environmental #environment #scientists #scientist #scientificwriting #technology #construction #manufacturing #additivemanufacturing #development
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[Shengwen Calvin Li, PhD,EIC,FRSB,FRSM]


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Neven UkrainczykView Neven Ukrainczyk’s profile • 3rd+Building chemistry Research Team Lead

What is your link between Geopolymers & blended-cement?
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Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDView Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD’s profile (He/Him)Author???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Neven Ukrainczyk thank you very much. Appreciate your support. I would like to know more about your work, the way you combine modelling and cement chemistry is highly commendable. Hopefully, we will have a discussion (privately) when you have a free schedule.
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Neven UkrainczykView Neven Ukrainczyk’s profile • 3rd+Building chemistry Research Team Lead

sure lets keep connected
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Bansidhar NayakView Bansidhar Nayak’s profile • 3rd+Chief Scientist (Retd) CSIR-IMMT, Bhubaneswar

Good to see few lines on geopolymer
Let me know the system whether it is geopolymer or mineral polymer
It is a big question mark
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Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDView Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD’s profile (He/Him)Author???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Bansidhar Nayak - Yes, Sir, thanks. In my research, I had come across "K-feldspar groups" via XRD characterization, and now I know, they consist of "tectosilicates".

Sir, it is reported that Geopolymer networks are polysialate structures, where sialate indicates a Si-O-Al building unit.

So, can I ask you whether geopolymers are simply tectosilicates or polysialates, or both?

The chemistry and the mineralogical aspects of geopolymers are still a field to be investigated further. And, your guidance on the same shall help many researchers like me (because I have always believed in your work ethic and accomplishments).
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[Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDJyotirmoy Mishra, PhD• 2nd• 2nd???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
1mo • 1mo •

Having broad experience, and learning to process different ideas is definitely a skill worth acquiring for researchers in this modern world.

A complex project requires an amalgamation of ideas, and ideas float everywhere; sometimes, the experience of a senior researcher solves a problem while an idea from a new researcher creates the flow in the research - path-breaking ideas dissolve a traditional system because a system thrives on stability and the modern world is highly unstable.

#project #projectmanagement #researchimpact #research #researchanddevelopment #innovation #science #scientists #sciencecommunication #scienceandtechnology #vssutburla #odisha #sciencewriting #academicwriting

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[Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDJyotirmoy Mishra, PhD• 2nd• 2nd???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
1mo • Edited • 1mo • Edited •

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This should be the major theme while progressing towards the adaptation of new #technologies, such as #geopolymers or any other #lowcarbon technologies that have been on the rise so far.

Deploying low-carbon concrete certainly creates the need for a market that is enthusiastic enough, a #community that believes in the potential, and a mindset that adapts to the values of #sustainability.

Limitations are a way to investigate further; much like AI-powered technologies, it requires years of #failure before it translates into a worldwide #success.

New technologies cannot be judged by traditional standards.

A sustainable future requires #collaboration of #ideas on a #global scale. And the #time is now.

#concrete #sustainability #collaboration #future #ai #community #mindset #sustainable #lowcarbon #lowcarbonfuture #greenchemistry #greeneconomy #greeninfrastructure #scientists #universities #university #vssutburla #researchimpact #research #researchanddevelopment #innovation #inventors #academicwriting
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[Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDJyotirmoy Mishra, PhD• 2nd• 2nd???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
1mo • 1mo •

???????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????????????.

This should be the major theme while progressing towards the adaptation of new #technologies, such as #geopolymers or any other #lowcarbon technologies that have been on the rise so far.

Deploying low-carbon concrete certainly creates the need for a market that is enthusiastic enough, a #community that believes in the potential, and a mindset that adapts to the values of #sustainability.

Limitations are a way to investigate further; much like AI-powered technologies, it requires years of #failure before it translates into a worldwide #success.

New technologies cannot be judged by traditional standards.

A sustainable future requires the immediate #collaboration of #ideas and #discussion on a #global scale. And the #time is now.

#concrete #sustainability #collaboration #future #ai #community #mindset #sustainable #lowcarbon #lowcarbonfuture #greenchemistry #greeneconomy #greeninfrastructure #scientists #universities #university #vssutburla #researchimpact #research #researchanddevelopment #innovation #inventors #academicwriting
…see more
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[Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDJyotirmoy Mishra, PhD• 2nd• 2nd???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
1mo • 1mo •

Everyone has two eyes;
But no one has the same view.

???????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????? ????????????????????????????????????:

? In this context, the importance of #reviewers can be discussed.

? The ideas, the observations, and the conclusion - form an integral part of any journal article.

? Often, it is a matter of frustration among #researchers when they get harsh/unacceptable (major revisions) from a reviewer/the reviewers.

? It is time to revise our work through the eyes of reviewers; only then we can improve our own #vision that ultimately serves our purpose of publishing a meaningful #scientific article that can create an impact.

? We miss something, reviewers notice that. We fake some facts, reviewers notice that. We exaggerate #facts, reviewers notice that. We derive unwanted conclusions, reviewers notice that.

Of course, sometimes we need to defend our vision and stick to our facts.

#publishing #sciencecommunication #science #phd #phdlife #phdstudent #phdjourney #researchimpact #research #researchers #scientists #articles #academicwriting #editors

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[Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDJyotirmoy Mishra, PhD• 2nd• 2nd???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
2mo • Edited • 2mo • Edited •

Science is a way of thinking.

This way of thinking has generated a world of peace while also unlocking some of the most potential dangers.

The greatest scientists - ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????, ????.????. ????????????????????, ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????, ???????????????????????????????? ???????? ????????????????????, ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????, ???????????????????? ????????????????????, ???????????????????????? ????????????????????. ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????, ???????????????????? ????????????????????????, ????.????.????. ???????????????????? ???????????????????? - are some of the tortured geniuses. The world never understood what they went through to put up the most significant scientific #findings that shaped the mankind as it is today.

Following the path of science undoubtedbly requires your undivided attention, getting deep #insights on a particular subject is unlike any other jobs. It is a way of thinking, it is a way to uncover the #secrets of the universe, it is a path filled with physical and mental #turbulence. Nevertheless, it is a path that brings incomparable inner joy and #satisfaction.

Science relies on our #intentions, to make the present world a little bit better - each day, each year, each decade.

#science #sciencecommunication #scientists #scienceandtechnology #research #researchanddevelopment #researchers #researchwork #innovation #innovator #inventions #inventions #sciencewriting #scienceandenvironment #sciencefacts #21stcentury #humanity

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[Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDJyotirmoy Mishra, PhD• 2nd• 2nd???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
3mo • 3mo •

? It is easier said than done.
? It may or may not yield #results.
? It can go in either direction - success or failure.
? It can help make complex #imaginations translate into meaningful reality.
? It can change the characters of all the #members associated with the #team.

? It can lead to the dissolution of the ego.
? It can help make the harder things seem simple just because there is always someone to carry forward the work.

? It can somehow make sure that the primary #goal will be realized on time.

? This is how a team functions and, of course, not every team is successful because, in the end, it boils down to the aspiration and mindset of every #individual in the team.

#work #success #change #mindset #researchers #researcher #research #project #projectleadership #leadership #teameffort #teambonding #teamdevelopment #collaboration #sciencecommunication #leaders #leader #engineers #engineering #civilengineering #vssut #VSSUT #india #odisha #researchandinnovation
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[Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhDJyotirmoy Mishra, PhD• 2nd• 2nd???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????) | ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
3mo • Edited • 3mo • Edited •

During the #dissemination of your research work, it is crucial to identify your #readers, and therefore the selection of the right #journal, the right #conference, and the right #book proceeding becomes an essential task.

Many times, the editor may not identify with your work, the readers will seem confused, and the conference participants may get bored during the interaction, and so on.

And having said that, the right journal/conference/book could invariably make your research work reach a wider #audience, and can create the #researchimpact you wished for.

Your research is your #vision; initially, the #idea sparked within your #mind; this involves the struggle to make it a reality, the effort to convince the community that the science behind this is valid, and therefore, dealing with #rejections can be a sensitive issue for many while the satisfaction of #acceptance can be a source of future #motivation.

#community #researchers #researchpaper #publications #published #authorscommunity #author #scientists #science #sciencecommunication #phd #phdchat #phdlife #phdstudent #phdjourney #phdcareers #university #faculty #paperpublication #journal #conferences #reader #motivation #researchpaper #education #engineering #share #work #future #VSSUT #burla #vssutburla #vssut
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[Jyotirmoy’s profile photo]
Jyotirmoy Mishra, PhD reposted this
[Veer Surendra Sai University Of Technology ( Formerly UCE ), Burla]
Veer Surendra Sai University Of Technology ( Formerly UCE ), BurlaVeer Surendra Sai University Of Technology ( Formerly UCE ), Burla13,045 followers13,045 followers
3mo • 3mo •
Veer Surendra Sai University Of Technology ( Formerly UCE ), Burla faculty Prof Harish Sahoo presented #VSSUT Startups to Honorable Union Minister of Railways, Communications and Electronics & Information Technology in Government of India Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw

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