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Smart people give very little about themselves away when you first meet them. Instead they will be interested in you or whoever has biggest mouth around them and try to see how much they are willing to talk. They are actually listening to what that person is saying and not just waiting for them to stop talking so they can talk. They know all their own stories, they want to hear yours.
Also their shoes. Man or woman. Smart person maybe wearing old ratty shoes but they are comfortable and cost efficient. Smart person is never wearing cheap shoes. All your support from from the day comes from 3 things. Car tires, mattress, shoes. They will have the best of those they can afford. Shoes are usually only one you can see.
聰明的人初次見麵時,很少會給自己一些禮物。 相反,他們將對您或對您有最大興趣的人感興趣,並嚐試查看他們願意說話的程度。 他們實際上是在聽那個人在說什麽,而不僅是在等他們停止說話,以便他們可以說話。 他們知道自己的所有故事,想聽聽您的故事。
還有他們的鞋子。 男人或女人。 聰明的人也許穿著舊的破舊的鞋子,但它們既舒適又具有成本效益。 聰明的人永遠不會穿廉價的鞋子。 從一天開始,您的所有支持都來自三件事。 汽車輪胎,床墊,鞋子。 他們將盡其所能提供最好的服務。 鞋子通常隻是您可以看到的一種。