
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
  • 博客訪問:

copy-paste for memory or gone forever

(2018-07-26 14:19:15) 下一個
Note that (1) all these didn't exist as bloggers were blocked out of the net.  (2) It came out as someone copy/paste for their own web pages. Its formality is chaotic, but it's better than nothing. (3) If it existed in the past, you can expect it's buried like fossil somewhere - you can find it out later.  (4) One way to keep all posts by 分享 - (5) copy-paste is like spider web, filter left-over for food or stuff to use.

科學網 - 博天堂918ag旗艦: 技巧易獲,精神難求!畢竟 熟能生巧
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分享 [轉載]智慧
熱度 2 jiaguangjia 2011-10-10 11:30
825 次閱讀|2 個評論

分享 戒己一
huajianping 2011-9-28 13:30
“靜坐常思己過,閑談莫論人非,能受苦乃為誌士,肯吃虧不是癡人,敬君子方顯有德,怕小人不算無能,退一步天高地闊,讓三分心平氣和,年輕氣不盛,理直氣不壯,財大氣不粗,一山容百虎。 ” 既然深知勝券在握,所以接受挫折與嘲弄,便猶如接受新的榮譽。不斷打倒自己是為了不被別人打倒。腳不能到達的地方,眼睛可以到達,眼睛不能到達的地方,心可以到達,我們深知對未來真正的慷慨,是把所有給予現在。 讓我貧窮,我不願意,讓我孤獨,我不願意,讓我的家人不如別人,我更不願意。我們沒有資格去慵懶,沒有資本去享受。讓蒼天作證,讓大地作證,我生而為贏,贏一生之幸福,贏一家之美滿,贏一國之昌盛。想壯誌淩雲,做腳踏實地!
1069 次閱讀|0 個評論

分享 “人的背後有眼睛”:有圖為證
熱度 7 hj58 2011-4-18 21:30
“人的背後有眼睛”:有圖為證    黃佶      我很久以前就發現,人的背後是有眼睛的(當然和前麵的眼睛是不同的,但是同樣能夠感知背後的信息,雖然往往是下意識地),或者嚴格地說是“人的背後存在感覺器官”。      我經?;嵊齙秸庋?氖慮椋旱蔽以詒澈笞⑹右桓鋈聳?,他往往會開始覺得不自在,會下意識地回頭,目光往往會與我相交。我自己有時也會下意識地回頭,結果發現有人在注視我。兩人目光相交後,都覺得有點尷尬,於是迅速移開。      當我在注視一個女性的背影時,她往往會下意識地拉拉衣服下擺,似乎在檢查一下衣飾是不是有不妥的地方,好像這樣能比較安心一點。      以上理論是不是科學,最簡單的辦法就是在實踐中進行檢驗?;隊?蠹野炎約旱墓鄄旖峁?蛘掌??隼?。(附黃佶拍攝的照片)    人的背後有眼睛:證據(黃佶拍攝)
個人分類: 科學觀察|1936 次閱讀|8 個評論

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科學網 - 博天堂918ag旗艦

所以人不要想當然的想象自己如果生在纏足盛行的年代一定會奮起反抗纏足的,事情不是那樣的。 ...... 熱愛做飯的,會做飯,樂於研究做飯,是判斷一個人是否成熟的標誌,也是判斷一個人是否熱愛生活的重要 ...... 熱度2 LongLeeLu 2013-2-16 02:32.

科學網—博客- 科學網—標簽

www.7vvv.cn/misc.php?mod=tag&id=1106&type=blog - Translate this page
我的眼成熟於我的詩, 我的詩成熟於我的夢, 我的夢,成熟於你在宇宙中的出現。 ..... 熱度3 LongLeeLu 2013-10-3 04:03: 上次我讀到:“紐約時報” 的一個新的跨學科 ...



分享 [轉載]“廢英語”?不要剝奪普通學子看世界的眼睛

分享 [轉載]眼睛累了學著用耳朵學習吧
sdzjh870 2013-10-15 23:00
麵對海量的信息,眼睛無可爭議地是獲取信息最主要的器官,但僅通過眼睛獲取信息也有局限,如走路時不便使用、長期盯著屏幕會損傷視力。因此,如果能充分利用耳朵來獲取信息,既可以充分利用時間,也可以解放一下我們的大腦。推薦李公子的這篇博文。 原文來自 http://www.7vvv.cn/ligongzi/A1629209.html 解放眼睛,用耳朵學習 —— 安卓手機 “ 聽資訊 ”

分享 哈佛大學的研究-東方的習慣好過西方!?
熱度 3 LongLeeLu 2013-10-3 04:03
上次我讀到:“紐約時報 ” 的一個新的跨學科的研究確認我們中國人的 的 午睡 習慣--本文引用地址: http://www.7vvv.cn/blog-847277-660954.html 今天我讀 到: 要 避免眼睛接觸是 成功地 說服 一個人 的藝術! 鎖定眼睛接觸降低你贏得 一個人 的 的機會. 東方 的習慣 好過 西方 的習慣? 一項新的研究已經表明 - 與共同的信念相反 - 與別人的目光鎖定時,實際損害 贏得 說服 他們 的機會。 根據新的研究- 如果你想說服某人: 不看他們的眼睛. “我們的研究結果表明,直接接觸眼睛使 聽眾 持懷疑態度, 不太可能改變他們的想法。 眼神接觸是非常原始的,我們認為它可能伴隨著一整套的潛意識的生理變化。 直接的眼神接觸,特別是在意誌的較量中,太多的恐嚇。 中國 相信盯著別人是不禮貌的。 中國,中國 ,你 強大 ,人家說你 所有 的習慣 正確。你中國 的 午睡,太棒了! 西方的 盯著眼睛 方式 ,我們的沒有什麽好。 Counting on my word, integrity can build up trust in a face-to-face, eye-ball-to-eye ball conversation. 一個臉對臉,眼球 對 眼球談話 可以建立信任 。Here is a relevant topic in the Journal Science, the cover story: 歡迎各界讀者對這個話題發表意見。老實說,我不同意他們的研究結論。我的觀點是“個體差異” - 像東方人或西方人之間有共同的東西,有一些不同的東西。個體差異-因人而異!我所看到的,有一些西方人從來不看對方的眼睛。我也看過一些中國人,總是凝視你的眼睛。這是一種生活方式和習慣,沒有太多的科學依據。在這裏,他們的數據是有偏見片麵解釋。 徐磊 2013-10-3 10:36 你寫的中文和貼出的英文意思不一致~~~英文中說的是,如果你一開始就懷疑,目目相對則增加懷疑,如果一開始是就互相認同,越看越心心相惜。也就是說目目相對的動作對於某種心理活動沒有選擇性,隻不過是信號擴增器。 博主回複(2013-10-3 11:09) : Thanks so much for pointing it out! Can you be more specific? Which sentence? 刪除 回複 陸俊茜 2013-10-3 08:08 看一個人的眼睛能告訴你很多很多東西! 刪除 回複 socoolsohot 2013-10-2 22:21 用眼睛看人,類似於對人進行研究,被看者將其視為是一種攻擊性的舉動,會自動升起“防護罩”,這時候人的心態應該是“戰鬥/逃跑”模式(被陌生人注視),或者是“偽裝/炫耀”模式(被熟人或親密的人注視)。 西方人喜歡看人的眼睛,其實與西方人的競爭意識有關,直視人的眼睛可以看做是“我很強,我不怕你”,這樣才能得到別人的尊重。 Want to succeed in the art of persuasion? AVOID eye contact: Locking glances can lower your chance of winning a person over The finding is only true if someone is sceptical of the speaker to begin with The longer they hold eye contact, the more sceptical they will become Locking eyes can boost receptiveness if person already agrees with speaker By ELLIE ZOLFAGHARIFARD PUBLISHED: 07:55 EST, 2 October 2013 | UPDATED: 07:55 EST, 2 October 2013 27 shares 5 View comments If you want to persuade someone to do your bidding don't look them in the eye, according to new research. A new study has shown that - contrary to common belief - locking eyes with someone when the aim is to persuade actually harms the chances of winning them over. So demanding ‘look at me when I talk to you’ of someone may not have the desired effect after all. If you want to persuade someone to do your bidding don't look them in the eye, according to new research. Co-lead of the study, Julia Minson said: 'Whether you're a politician or a parent, it might be helpful to keep in mind that trying to maintain eye contact may backfire' Experts say that eye contact with opponents in adversarial situations makes them more resistant to persuasion, although it still works as a sign of connection in ‘friendly’ situations. Neurobiologist Dr Frances Chen explained: ‘There is a lot of cultural lore about the power of eye contact as an influence tool. More... Meet the ROBOT barman who uses body language to know when you want a drink - and when you've had enough Invisible at the bar? WHERE and HOW you stand is more crucial to getting served than waving cash or snapping your fingers ‘But our findings show that direct eye contact makes sceptical listeners less likely to change their minds, not more, as previously believed. ‘Eye contact is so primal that we think it probably goes along with a whole suite of subconscious physiological changes.’ The longer test subjects spent looking into the speaker's eyes, the less persuaded they were by their argument In a study carried out with colleagues at the University of Freiburg, Germany, Dr Chen first noticed the negative effects eye contact had on persuasion. Her team used cutting-edge eye-tracking technology to monitor how long participants looked straight into the eyes of someone speaking on a video, then measured how far their attitudes on controversial issues had shifted. They found that the longer they spent looking into the speaker's eyes, the less persuaded they were by their argument. The only time extended eye contact boosted receptiveness among the participants was when they already agreed with the speaker's take on the subject. The only time extended eye contact boosted receptiveness among the participants was when they already agreed with the speaker's take on the subject When the experiment was repeated the test subjects were asked to either look into the speaker's eyes, or stare at their mouth for the duration of the speech. Like the first test, those who looked into the speaker's eyes the whole time were less receptive and less open to interaction with people who agreed with opposing arguments. Co-lead of the study, Julia Minson of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, explained that their study, which is published in the journal Psychological Science, showed that making eye contact with someone can drastically alter the outcome of an altercation. She added: ‘Whether you're a politician or a parent, it might be helpful to keep in mind that trying to maintain eye contact may backfire if you're trying to convince someone who has a different set of beliefs than you.’
個人分類: Observation|4100 次閱讀|5 個評論

分享 科學家要相信自己的“眼睛”
熱度 1 xuxiujiang 2012-2-13 13:56
科學研究,學者應有最起碼的自信,要相信自己判斷力。對於自己的科研能力要有足夠的自信。隻有這樣才能發現問題、研究問題並解決問題。 科學研究是建立在事實基礎上的??蒲а芯糠椒ㄔ蚴且惶籽廈艿穆嘸?逑?。隻要研究者堅持從實際出發,並開展了大量嚴格細致的研究工作,就沒有理由對自己的觀點產生懷疑。 創新源自於自信。學者隻有相信自己所提出的問題的有效性,才敢於提出問題,隻有相信自己研究問題的真實性,才會獲得有價值的發現;隻有相信自己的判斷力,才能得出有意義的結論。
1799 次閱讀|1 個評論

分享 [轉載]像愛惜眼睛一樣珍惜自己的學術聲譽
whyhoo 2011-10-15 18:50
一個91歲,一個81歲,一個72歲,今天,中國科技界的3位泰鬥——“高溫合金之父”師昌緒、“雜交水稻之父”袁隆平和著名數學家楊樂,不辭辛勞,在人民大會堂為首都高校新入學的近6000名研究生上了一堂課,主題是“科學道德和學風建設”。 “近些年來,一些社會不良行為和習慣勢力開始侵蝕科技健康的肌體,科技醜聞和學術不端事件不時見諸報端,科研造假、學風浮躁、抄襲剽竊等行為屢屢發生,
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