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Ivy trophy zt

(2017-04-04 10:16:20) 下一個
小常春藤(Little Ivies):美國東北部一眾頂尖文理學院,包括威廉姆斯學院艾姆赫斯特學院衛斯理大學斯沃斯莫爾學院明德學院鮑登學院科爾比學院貝茨學院漢密爾頓學院哈弗福德學院
New Ivies: 25 institutions are favored by more and more students because of their high quality education and continuous international academic achievement. These schools are called "New Ivy" institutions: California University of Los Angeles, University of North Carolina, Emory University, University of Notre Dame, University of Washington St. Louis, Boston College, Tufts University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Vanderbilt University, University of Virginia , University of Michigan, Kenyang College, University of Rochester, University of Rice, New York University, Davidson College, Colgate University, Colby College, Reid University, Bowden College, Franklin Olin School of Engineering, Sri Lanka Kidmore College, Macaulest College, Clermont McKenna College Union.

Little Ivies (Little Ivies): the United States northeast of the top of a prestigious Arts College, including the Williams College, Amherst College, Wesleyan University, Swarthmore College, Mingde College, Bowden College, Cole Than the College, Bates College, Hamilton College, Haverford College
常春藤盟校(Ivy League)指的是由美國東北部地區的八所大學組成的體育賽事聯盟(參見NCAA詞條)。它們全部是美國一流名校、也是美國產生最多羅德獎學金得主的高校聯盟。此外,建校時間長,八所學校中的七所是在英國殖民時期建立的。這八所院校包括:哈佛大學賓夕法尼亞大學耶魯大學普林斯頓大學哥倫比亞大學達特茅斯學院布朗大學康奈爾大學
The Ivy League refers to a sporting event alliance (see NCAA entry) consisting of eight universities in the northeastern United States. They are all the United States first-class elite, but also the United States to produce the largest Rhodes scholarship college league. In addition, the establishment of a long time, seven of the seven schools in the British colonial period established. The eight institutions include Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University, Princeton University, Columbia University, Dartmouth College, Brown University and Cornell University.
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