點評二:(by Young Yang)Jess 的這個評論超越了個體範疇,超越了種族的界限,指出問題的根源在於係統的缺陷和社會的不公,把我們這次行動放在了這個國家所共同遵從和信奉的價值體係裏麵 來看。我自己因此而感動,也相信這是許多人稱讚它的原因。英文講,insightful 和 inspiring, 我想Jess 的這個評論完全當得起這兩個字。
Below is the transcript I took down based on the video. I spent the noon and afternoon today to do it and then translated it to Chinese. I showed it to my daughter and some friends here, including the interviewee:Jess Fong. We are all inspired by her interview speech.
"We are angry, because we are also hurt, by the systematic injustices and structural oppression, and racism that continues to prevail in this country. We, Asian Americans, even though we are model minority, we are still a minority nevertheless. I think, Chinese people, and Asian people, need to understand that we do not have white privileges, while white privileges mean they want to put above the law;they have a sense of superiority and supremacy. We, do not, should not, want to associate ourselves with it. So this protest is not about aligning ourselves with white privileges. This protest is, us standing up and say, our system is wrong. -- The criminal justice system is wrong; it is unfair. Peter Liang took the fall for the sins of the country. While he should be held accountable for the action he took, we believe that sentencing coming down in April should be proportionate to his action, not proportionate to the sins of the nation. We want all cops to be held accountable, and we want the justice system to be transparent, to be fair. We want white privileges to end, because this is not how democracy works; this is not what this country was founded upon.” (interviewee: Jess Fong。transcript recorded by:Hongxia)