

(2011-10-27 10:29:46) 下一個
回首20年前,你我隻是陌生路人。冥冥之中,如有神引,相逢相知,讓我愛你至深,如醉如狂。記得,那是在一個飄雪的日子,我們兩人終於在阿凡尼步入婚姻的神聖殿堂。鬥移星轉,光陰似箭,多年後我們已兒女成行。期間有過甜蜜,也有過艱辛,卻從未有過失望。我們在一起患難與共,相濡以沫,愛情之火,越燒越旺。今天我們又回到20年前的起始地點。是的, 我們都老了,但也更加睿智了。是啊,我們的臉上和心中都堆起了皺紋,可現在我們終於明白了什麽是生活,它包含著快樂,痛苦,秘密和奇跡。而最最重要的是,經曆了這麽多這麽久我們還是緊緊在一起!我對你的愛從未改變。完全像20年前一樣,愛你至深,如醉如狂。 英文原文: “We didn't know much about each other 20 years ago. We were guided by our intuition; you swept me off my feet. It was snowing when we got married at the Ahwahnee (Lodge in Yosemite). Years passed, kids came, good times, hard times, but never bad times. Our love and respect has endured and grown. We've been through so much together and here we are right back where we started 20 years ago -- older, wiser -- with wrinkles on our faces and hearts. We now know many of life's joys, sufferings, secrets and wonders and we're still here together. My feet have never returned to the ground.”
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